All workshops are one hour unless otherwise noted.
Click a date below each workshop title to register.
For more workshops offered by other Workforce Centers in Colorado, please visit Connecting Colorado. You can register for workshops by clicking on 'workshops' in the top left corner of your profile homepage. If you don't have a Connecting Colorado profile, learn more about creating an account and registering with your local Workforce Center.
Veterans Priority of Service
Veterans have made many sacrifices serving this great country and are an imperative part of Colorado’s workforce. The Colorado Workforce System is proud to honor Colorado veterans with priority of service.
Covered persons (veterans or eligible spouses) who meet the eligibility requirements for program participation are entitled to priority of service in any workforce development services funded, in whole or in part, by the Department of Labor.
At Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development, we assist veterans, transitioning service members, or eligible spouses with the resources and services to meet labor-market demands through employment and training opportunities. We ensure early priority on all job listings, job fairs and events, and other services for veterans.
For more services for veterans, visit the veterans page or contact our office at (970) 498-6600.