Help Celebrate Workforce Development Month

Governor Jared Polis declared September as Workforce Development Month in recognition of the critical role workforce development services play in advancing Colorado’s economy.  Throughout the month, Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development, the Colorado Workforce Development Council and Colorado Department of Labor and Employment will highlight and celebrate Colorado's robust workforce system. 

How We Are Celebrating

2024 Workforce Development Events and Themes

Throughout the month we will be sharing success stories and resources businesses and workers can use to grow their business, advance their careers and help create economic prosperity.

We invite you to dive into the information and connect with the Economic and Workforce Development Department on how we can help you.

Board of County Commissioners sign a proclamation recognizing September as Workforce Development Month.

Economic and Workforce Development staff with Larimer County Commissioners at the official signing of the proclamation during the September 2, 2024 Admin Matters meeting.

The Proclamation

As the world of work continues to undergo massive changes due to artificial intelligence, automation, globalization, and other factors, workers, employers, and communities are contemplating how to ensure their future prosperity.


WHEREAS, The Larimer County Economic & Workforce Development department and broader Colorado Workforce System is committed to supporting a Colorado for All including workers with disabilities, veterans, justice-involved, youth, New Americans, laid off workers, adults experiencing poverty, and all communities; and


WHEREAS, Globalization, market forces, demographic shifts, and technological advances are shaping our economy today and require workforce solutions that are agile and innovative; and  

WHEREAS, Hundreds of workforce professionals within Colorado’s Workforce System and dozens at our local Larimer County level, are committed to supporting a thriving environment for workers and employers; and


WHEREAS, Colorado’s workforce has access to a variety of workforce development services including modern job search support, connection to employment and career counseling, access to digital literacy, work-based learning, and individual training account solutions to competitively position themselves within our local labor market; and


WHEREAS, Our State’s locally-driven workforce ecosystem is business-led, aligned with educators, employers and economic developers to encourage more diversity in hiring, enhance regional workforce development and ensure we are building the labor force that businesses need to make Colorado the best place to work; and 


WHEREAS, the Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development system is supported by our Larimer County Board of County Commissioners, Larimer County leadership, and a Workforce Development Board with members stretching across private, non-profit, and public entities to help advise and shape local programming; and 


WHEREAS, the Larimer County Economic & Workforce Development department seeks to innovate and advance strategies to educate stakeholders of the talent and workforce development ecosystem in Colorado, in order to build a pipeline of skilled talent and quality jobs for workers to prosper; and, 


WHEREAS, in 2023, The Larimer County Economic & Workforce Development department helped more the 10,500 job seekers, of which over 4,000 accessed staff assisted services, increasing wage earnings by over $18,000,000 when considering wages prior to staff assisted services versus wages after staff assisted services.  


WHEREAS, the Colorado Workforce System has helped more than 13,000 employers navigate and thrive in today’s worker shortage landscape by ensuring customers receive consistent business services statewide across 11 core services including screening, job posting, hiring events and Rapid Response; and


NOW THEREFORE, We, the Larimer County Board of County Commissioners of Larimer County, Colorado do hereby proclaim the month of September as Workforce Development Month and call this observance to the attention of our community members.

As the world of work continues to undergo massive changes due to artificial intelligence, automation, globalization, and other factors, workers, employers, and communities are contemplating how to ensure their future prosperity. We're excited to highlight some of the impactful business services provided by Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development (LCEWD) and our partners. 


LCEWD is a founding member of the Northern Colorado Regional Economic Development Initiative (NoCO REDI). NoCO REDI is a collaborative initiative that includes economic development organizations and local governments across Larimer and Weld Counties who recognize the economic benefits of embracing and growing a shared and interconnected economy.

The objective of our collaboration is to:

  • Increase Northern Colorado's economic growth
  • Enhance resilience
  • Improve the business ecosystem
Our Strategies and Achievements

NoCO REDI drives regional economic development strategies and assists businesses looking to locate or expand in Northern Colorado. A few of our successes:

  • Collaborative Regional Business Attraction Process: Since January 2024, we’ve responded to over 30 requests from businesses seeking a new location to grow or move their operations. Each year, our efforts have increased Northern Colorado’s competitiveness in attracting new businesses.
  • Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Partnership: Under NoCO REDI, this partnership works to understand business goals and align resources to meet them. This has led to the creation of valuable programs like the Food Safety Program and Pivot Program, enhancing local business support capacity.
  • Regional Cluster Study: We're updating the Cluster Study to highlight emerging industries that may support as they grow. 
    If you're a business in Northern Colorado, we're here to help. Visit NoCO REDI to learn more about how we can assist you.

Visit NoCO REDI or Larimer County Economic Development.

Helping to Shape the Future of Nursing

At Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development, we're committed to helping shape the future of nursing by promoting diversity through collaboration with our partners.  

We believe that by fostering diversity in nursing schools, we'll not only grow the number of nursing students but also create a workforce that will attract, retain and support a more diverse student population that better reflects our state's population. 

Interested in being part of this exciting change? Learn more about how you can join the nursing profession and make a difference in healthcare.

Learn More and Start Your Journey Here

2024 Manufacturing Summer Sector Internship Program

The 2024 Manufacturing Summer Sector Internship Program in Northern Colorado has set a new record in connecting young talent with industry leaders. With a record-breaking 321 student applications and 12 participating businesses, the program showcased the growing interest in manufacturing careers among youth.

Program Highlights
  • Collaboration between Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development and NoCo Manufacturing Sector Partnership
  • Three interns offered permanent positions post-internship
  • Positive feedback from both interns and employers on skill development and talent identification

This successful initiative not only provided valuable experience to students but also helped businesses develop a pipeline of skilled workers, contributing to the long-term growth and sustainability of the manufacturing sector in Northern Colorado.

Quote from Summer Sector Intern: 

“I learned the skills specific to producing graphics for a sign as well as general workplace skills like teamwork and time management.”

Quote from Summer Sector Business:

“Our internship has helped us to identify strong potential candidates for a more permanent positions and gives both parties to get a sense for whether there is a mutual match.”  


Manufacturing Summer Sector Interns at work

Larimer County Conservation Corps (LCCC)

This Workforce Development Month, we're celebrating the hard work, growth, and positive impact of our amazing LCCC crew members. 

In addition to developing their own skills - they're making a lasting difference in our community and environment. In 2023, 57 crew members, assistant crew leaders and crew leaders served over 26,000 hours across 7 crews to accomplish: 

  • 4,294 trees planted 
  • 396 efficiency assessments 
  • 642 slash piles 
  • 167 high-efficiency toilet installs 
  • 98 aces of fire mitigation 
  • 14 miles of trail maintained 
Project Highlight is the Elkhorn Creek Forest Health Initiative in Red Feather Lakes 

In Red Feather Lakes, 24 acres of land were cut and felled as part of a fire mitigation project. This work was completed as part of a multi-year effort to reduce wildfire risk and minimize impacts on the Poudre River watershed. 

Once the trees were felled, 131 slash piles were built which will be burned in the winter when there is snow on the ground. Burning piles of slash reduces the need to rent costly equipment and haul materials off-site. This project was completed in partnership with the Ben Delatour Scout Ranch and the Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed and was selected for a Colorado Lottery 2024 Starburst Award Recipient. 

This crew of eight all received their S212 Wildland Fire and Wilderness First Aid certifications. After service four members continued with higher education, two members secured forestry positions with The Ember Alliance, one member was employed by Northwest Conservation Corps as a crew leader and one member joined back with LCCC as an assistant crew leader.

Quote from Elkhorn Creek Crew Member

"That it is a great program to be a part of if you don't mind hard work and getting dirty. That you will make close friends fast. And that you will become more physically and mentally stronger. Do it! Especially if you plan to get into the field of natural resources you’ll gain a lot of valuable experience and certifications."


Larimer County Conservation Corps Crew Members at work

Spotlight on Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning

Meet Axex

Alex entered our Career Transition and Training program facing numerous challenges. Having lost his job during the pandemic, he was working in restaurants to make ends meet. Despite holding a bachelor's degree in economics, Alex struggled to find work in his field due to personal setbacks, including a history of justice involvement.

When Alex joined our program, he was struggling with the consequences of two past misdemeanors. These charges, stemming from a difficult period in his life had significantly impacted his ability to secure stable employment. Alex felt discouraged and trapped in unfulfilling jobs.

Through our comprehensive services, Alex received:

  • Personalized case management
  • Career exploration guidance
  • Job search support
  • Access to retraining opportunities
  • Assistance in addressing his background challenges

Through mock interviews and counseling, he learned to address his past honestly while emphasizing his growth, rehabilitation, and newfound skills.

Today, Alex is thriving in a new career at a major company where he is using his education and new skills.

Most importantly, Alex now has stable employment with health benefits, allowing him to address his chronic health issues and improve his quality of life.


Business Services Here to Help Your Business

By leveraging these benefits, businesses can create a more effective and inclusive hiring process, ultimately leading to a stronger and more diverse workforce.
Utilizing a Skills-Based Job Description: By focusing on the specific skills and competencies required for a role, businesses can attract candidates who possess the necessary abilities, regardless of their background or previous job titles. This approach promotes a more inclusive hiring process and helps identify candidates who can bring valuable skills to the organization.

Enhanced Clarity and Precision: By refining/reviewing job descriptions, businesses can ensure that the roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, reducing misunderstandings and setting clear expectations for potential candidates. Allowing candidates to see themselves in a position is critical to filling open roles.

Attracting a More Diverse Workforce: Well-crafted job descriptions can help attract a broader and more diverse pool of candidates. By using inclusive language and avoiding biased terms, businesses can appeal to a wider range of applicants, fostering a more inclusive workplace.

Improved Candidate Quality: Clear and detailed job descriptions help attract candidates who are better suited for the role, as they provide a comprehensive understanding of the job requirements and expectations. This leads to higher quality applications and a more efficient hiring process.

Enhanced Employee Retention: When employees have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities from the outset, they are more likely to feel satisfied and engaged in their work. This can lead to higher retention rates and reduced turnover.

Streamlined Recruitment Process: Detailed job descriptions can make the recruitment process more efficient by providing a clear framework for evaluating candidates. This can save time and resources for HR teams and hiring managers.

The Benefits of Apprenticeship

Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development is happy to announce that we have been selected as a Qualified Apprenticeship Intermediary for both Talent and Industry by Apprenticeship Colorado | Office of the Future of Work. This means, whether you are a business or a job seeker, we are here to support the expansion and success of apprenticeships in Northern Colorado!

Business Benefits of Apprenticeship

We can help you clarify if an apprenticeship is a good workforce development tool for you. We can walk you through the initial steps of developing or connecting with a program and connect you to a program development specialist who will help you complete the process, free of charge. We can also support your program with recruitment, potential funding and further consulting. Again, all at no cost to you. 


Business Spotlight: In 2021 BreezeThru Car Wash decided to formalize their manager training program. Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development (LCEWD) helped BreezeThru complete the paperwork required to turn their program into a registered apprenticeship program and connected them with USDOL/Office of Apprenticeship. Since then, LCEWD has helped to support more than 50 apprentices moving through their program. 

Job Seeker Benefits of Apprenticeship

For job seekers, we can help you understand the apprenticeship landscape in northern Colorado, direct you to apprenticeship opportunities and, when available, help to offset costs associated with completing your program.


Job Seeker Spotlight: After being laid off from his job in the oil fields, Andy connected with LCEWD . Within 2 weeks he was hired by an employer as an apprentice electrician. LCEWD helped him offset the cost of the related instruction component of his apprenticeship. Four years later, Andy is now a Journeyman Electrician, making more than he was in the oilfields and strongly situated in a new career.

In our last program year, LCEWD supported 9 registered apprenticeship programs, serving 11 employers and 66 apprentices. Additionally, our in-house apprenticeship consultant referred 14 businesses to the Colorado State Apprenticeship Agency for program development and registration. 

We are here to expand apprenticeship programs and opportunities in Northern Colorado. Do you have questions about apprenticeships contact Nancy Murray at


The Benefits of Work-Based Learning - Youth inCompass Program

Meet Jarren and Karen

Watch: A conversation with an intern and mentor.

During his time in the WIOA Youth inCompass Program, Jarren achieved success both academically and professionally. He earned his GED and went above and beyond in his internship with Karen Fournier at StarStream Productions. In his work-based-learning experience, Jarren was able to build job specific skills related to video production, including transcription, video editing, podcast support, expanding marketing efforts, and more. He was also able to exhibit his strong individual qualities in this role, showing his reliability, integrity, creativity, and kindness. Karen excelled as a mentor, prioritizing weekly check-ins, gauging Jarren’s engagement in the various tasks, teaching new skills and more efficient ways to work, and giving helpful and positive feedback along the way. Jarren and Karen agree that the internship experience was equally beneficial and impactful to them both. Jarren gained the skill development and confidence he needed to earn a full time position with Thompson School District following his internship conclusion. Karen was able to “move the ball down the field” for various aspects of her business, and so appreciated working with an intern with such a strong work ethic, positive attitude, and kind heart. Both agree (and are proof) that internships truly have the potential to change lives. 


“Before this internship, I felt lost and uncertain about my future. Coming from a difficult family situation and being derailed by the pandemic, my confidence at an all time low. The internship program offered me a lifeline. I was matched with Karen Fournier at Starstream Productions for a video production internship. From the start, Karen showed me encouragement, kindness and faith in my abilities. She was an outstanding mentor. Over the months I got to experiment with various roles and mediums. Through hands-on experience, I discovered my passion for video editing & storytelling. Just as importantly, the internship allowed me to build professional skills and confidence. Ultimately, the internship provided marketable skills & changed my career trajectory.” -Jarren, Internship Participant

For additional information on the Youth inCompass Program email