Try your hand at county budgeting to better understand everything that goes into the process. This simulation requires residents to cut expenses or raise revenues to resolve a hypothetical $10 million deficit. Your budget and comments will be provided to the Board of County Commissioners. 

Larimer County Budget Simulator


We welcome feedback on the budget via email or at a public meeting. Contact the Director of Performance, Budget, and Strategy Josh Fudge at or the County Commissioners at Remember that emails are subject to Colorado's public records laws. To attend a work session, public hearing, or informal citizen meeting about the budget please check the commissioners' meeting calendar

Check out our Budget Explorer to take a deep dive into the county budget.


  1. Why did you add this new budget tool?

    County staff is looking for new ways to include more people in the budgeting process, especially those who are not able to attend budget hearings. The tool allows people to participate on their own time, in conjunction with the county's traditional budget adoption timeline.

  2. How do I use the budget simulation tool?

    The tool is very user friendly. All you need to do is click the "+" or "-" buttons to change spending or revenue. You can also submit comments by clicking the speech bubble next to each county service. 

  3. I submitted my version of the budget and my comments. What happens next?

    Submissions are shared with the County Manager and County Commissioners to guide budgeting decisions.

  4. Why don't the numbers in the Build-Your-Own-Budget tool match official county documents?

    Spending on capital, disaster, administration, and internal transfers have been removed to show more accurate county spending. The actual budget looks larger and more complex when these elements are added in.