1. ¿La encuesta está disponible en español?
  2. Who can take the 2020 Community Survey?

    Any Larimer County resident, 18+ years of age.

  3. When will the survey close?

    December 4, 2020

  4. How long will the survey take to complete?

    Approximately 10 minutes

  5. I have a friend or family member without internet access, can they take the survey?

    Yes!  Please call the Public Affairs office at 970-498-7015 and we will mail you a copy of the survey.

  6. Will you collect identifying information?

    No! Your individual responses are strictly confidential. Your name, email address or contact information will never be associated with any of your responses.  Once your completed survey arrives, the contracted vendor immediately disassociates any contact information from the respective completed survey. Contact information is then removed from their systems.  ONLY composite aggregate data will be presented to Larimer County.  The 1974 U.S.Privacy Act prohibits survey firms from associating surveys with respondent information after promising confidentiality.

  7. What will the results be used for?

    This important survey includes questions about satisfaction with County services, as well as your views on taxes, growth, County government transparency, new facilities/programs as well as community needs and sources for information.   The results help with the development of the 2018-2023 five-year strategic plan, the budget, and other important services Larimer County provides citizens.

  8. How will the County publish the results?

    Results will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners during a public meeting in late November or December. Results will also be available to the public on the County’s website on the survey page at www.larimer.gov/2020survey.

  9. Who is conducting the survey?

    The survey is being conducted by The Center for Research & Public Policy, Inc., a full-service consulting firm specializing in market and social research, and public opinion polling.  

Board of County Commissioners

200 West Oak, Suite 2200, Fort Collins, CO 80521
HOURS:  Monday - Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
PHONE:  (970) 498-7010  
EMAIL:  bocc@larimer.org