Assessor Frequently Asked Questions
How can I protest my property value?
2025 is a reappraisal year and Notices of Valuation (NOV) will be mailed on or before May 1, 2025 to all property owners. NOVs will be available online as of May 1.
Beginning May 1 and through June 9, property owners can file their protest via:
- U.S. mail
- Our Online tool (takes 15 minutes or less!)
- In-person
- By scheduling a phone or in-person appointment
- By FAX at 970-498-7070
- Secure outdoor drop box located at the southwest entrance at 200 W Oak Street
How are property taxes calculated?
For illustrative purposes to reflect Senate Bill SB23B-001, the following calculation is used to determine your property tax:
Actual Value x Assessment Rate x (Mill Levy/1000) = Annual Property Tax
A Residential Property Example with an Actual Value of $300,000:
$300,000 x 6.70% (2023 assessment rate) x (95 mills/1000) = $1,909
For 2023 tax year, below is the calculation that factors in the
State Legislature's $55,000 exemption for residential properties:
(Actual Value - $55,000 exemption) x Assessment Rate x (Mill Levy/1000) = Annual Property Tax
($300,000 - $55,000) x 6.70% x (95 mills/1000) = $1,559
Who sets the assessment rate?
Colorado Amendment B, Gallagher Amendment Repeal and Property Tax Assessment Rates Measure was approved by Colorado voters on November 3, 2020, thereby allowing the state legislature to freeze property tax assessment rates at the current rates.
Additional information regarding Senate Bill SB23-001 is available here.
How is my property value determined?
All real property in Colorado is reappraised on a two-year cycle, in odd-numbered years. The actual value assigned to residential properties in 2025 and 2026 is based on market values as of June 30, 2024, as defined by sales of residential property in the 24-month period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2024. All sales are trended to the end of the data collection period.
How does a mass appraisal model value my property?
Each property in the county has a set of characteristics that are used by the appraisal model. Examples include its location, living area square footage, basement square footage (finished and non), style, quality, garage square footage, lot features, etc. These variables may be reviewed on sold properties used in the model in order to estimate value of the properties. The model is then applied to both sold and unsold properties. See Impacts to Residential Values for more information.
Are foreclosure sales considered?
Foreclosures represent the transfer of the property ownership to the lender due to loan default. These transactions do not give evidence of market value; typically representing the amount of the lien held by the lender, not the entire property value. In some cases, the lien amount may be more than the value of the property. These transactions are excluded from the Assessor's analysis.
However, re-sale of foreclosure properties is considered. Unless the condition of the property at the time of sale indicates otherwise, these sales are deemed to be arm's length transactions and are used by the Assessor in the valuation process.
How is actual square footage determined?
The Assessor's Office uses exterior measurements of homes and buildings. This may cause the Assessor's estimate of square footage to differ from that estimated by the builder or realtor since they frequently use interior measurements. The valuation procedures used by the Assessor are adjusted to account for the use of exterior measurements, which helps to assure correct values.
What is a "Sales Study Period"?
According to Colorado Statute, the Assessor is required to gather and confirm sales within a time period of no less than eighteen-months ending on the June 30th of the year prior to a re-appraisal year, time adjusting each sale to the June 30th ending date. This data-gathering period is referred to as the Sales Study Period. For the 2025 and 2026 reappraisal, Larimer County will use 24 months of data for Residential property. This sales study period extends from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024. For vacant or commercial property, the county uses 60 months of data. This period extends from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024.
How can I verify the value on my property?
Market (sales) information is currently available online for the entire 60-month period, (from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2024). Local real estate offices may be able to provide sales information.
What is a "Time Adjusted Sales Price" or "TASP"?
According to Colorado statute, market data must be analyzed in every reappraisal cycle to determine property values. The minimum amount of data is set at 18 months prior to the appraisal date (June 30 of the previous even-numbered year). The maximum amount of data is 60 months prior to that date. Assessors are required to recognize the trends or market changes over that time and adjust all sales to the appraisal date. The actual value assigned to residential properties in 2025 and 2026 is based on market values as of June 30, 2024, as defined by sales of residential property in the 24-month period from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2024. All sales are trended to the end of the data collection period.
Can I appeal my property taxes to the assessor?
The level of taxation is determined by taxing authorities, not the Assessor. You can appeal your property's actual value or classification to the Assessor.
Because your property's value is an important figure in the property tax equation, a different value or classification can have an effect on your property taxes. Questions about the level of taxation are to be directed to the taxing authorities. -
Where can I find information about property tax exemptions for senior homeowners, disabled veterans and Gold Star Spouses?
Tax exemption application and instructions are available here for Senior Homeowners, Disabled Veterans, & Gold Star Spouses.
How do I convert my mobile home to real property?
See these instructions regarding the conversion.
How do I get my land(s) classified as agriculture?
If you have considered that your property may qualify for classification as agriculture property, please review the Agriculture Land information and Application for Agricultural Classification of Lands. Complete the application and provide supporting documentation and mail to the Larimer County Assessor's Office at 200 W Oak St, P.O. Box 1190, Fort Collins, CO 80522.
Where can I find more information about state statutes and guidelines for assessors?
Much of what your county assessor does is mandated at the state level. The Colorado Department of Property Taxation works with your state legislative committees to help develop the Assessors' Reference Library (ARL). This is a series of three manuals and a statutory index that addresses Colorado property assessment.

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200 W. Oak Street, 2nd Floor
PO Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522
Phone: (970) 498-7050
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:30pm