Characteristics that may impact residential property values:
- Classification - Residential versus Agricultural property
- Location of property - Economic Area, Neighborhood, Subdivision
- Square feet of:
- Living area
- basement
- finished basement
- garage
- Quality of home
- Design of home (Ranch, Two Story, Modular, Cabin, etc.)
- Locational attributes (Golf Course, Lake, Park, River, Railroad, Traffic, View, Greenbelt)
- Land size
- Effective Age
- Effective Age is used by the Assessor to state the age of a property based on its current condition, rather than its actual age. For example, a well-maintained home with an actual age of 75 years could have an effective age of 10 years due to major investments for updates and maintenance.
Items that may be inventoried but do NOT typically impact residential value for assessment purposes:
- Fixtures (sinks, showers, etc)
- Sprinkler systems
- Finished garage vs unfinished garage
- Porches, decks or balconies
- Bedroom and bathroom counts
- Appliances
- Updated roof or minor interior remodels