Legal Services

Please note, by law, we are not allowed to give legal advice or assistance to the general public.

The Office of the County Attorney represents the Board of County Commissioners, the other county elected officials, and the various county departments.   The County Attorney's Office is also responsible for representing the People of the State of Colorado in certain situations, such as  social services cases and mental health cases.

The County Attorney also handles other legal issues for the County, including when people claim the County is responsible for accidents or injuries.

The attorneys from this office go to court and other legal meetings on behalf of the County.  They handle many types of legal issues for the County, like disagreements over land use, employment and contracts.  All attorneys are licensed to work in all Colorado courts, plus some attorneys are licensed to work in Federal courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court.

Frequently-Requested Numbers:

Traffic Matters
Dissolution of Marriage Forms
Civil Litigation Matters
Larimer County Combined Courts
(970) 494-3500

Jury Duty Jury Commissioner
(970) 494-3555

Pro Bono (free legal help) Larimer County Bar Association Services
Colorado Legal Services - (970) 493-2891

Criminal Matters
Traffic Matters
Bad Checks District Attorney's Office for the 8th Judicial District
(970) 498-7200

Child Support Larimer County Child Support
(970) 498-7600

Animal Enforcement and Animal Control NOCO Humane
(970) 226-3647

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Behavioral Health Services at Longview Campus
(970) 494-4200

Human Services and Social Services (including Child Protection, Office on Aging, Adult Protection and Public Benefits) Human Services
(970) 498-7770

Service of Summons by Sheriff
Report a Crime outside of a Town or City Larimer County Sheriff's Office
(970) 498-5100

All medical and criminal emergencies 911


Contact Us

PO Box 1606
Fort Collins, CO 80522
(970) 498-7450
Hours: 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday