Larimer County covers 2,600 square miles and has over 1,000 miles of public roads. These roads are located within public rights-of-way. As roads and bridges are constructed or improved it is sometimes necessary for the County to acquire additional right-of-way (ROW). This information provides a general overview of the ROW acquisition process as it relates to road and bridge construction projects. It is not intended to provide legal advice, nor does it cover every possible situation as each project is unique.
Historical Background
Larimer County's road system dates back to the 1860's when Colorado was not yet a state. Although the law has always allowed for acquisition of needed ROW for roads, historically property owners themselves often petitioned the County for a road to be established through their land and owners typically donated the needed ROW (generally a minimum of 60' wide).
Current Needs
In current times, the originally established rights-of-way may not be adequate to reconstruct an existing road in a manner that meets present engineering standards, mobility needs, vehicle use, travel speeds, safety, etc. It may be necessary for the County to acquire additional ROW when a road project is undertaken. During the design phase of a project, the design engineer will determine if additional ROW is needed. They will also determine how much new right-of-way will be required. This determination is made using:
- Accepted engineering design standards
- The road's functional classification
- The projected design (adding lanes, shoulders, bike/walking facilities, etc.)
- An analysis of existing right-of-way limits