Understanding the Grant Agreement Terms and Conditions can be challenging. This page is intended to highlight the relevant information that impacts your post-award grant management. This includes being aware of Required Notification, Future Funding, Insurance Requirements, and Amendments considerations.

Important items to note in the grant agreement are:

Expenditure of Funds
  • Grant funds are considered restricted funds and should be accounted for and tracked separately in the organization’s financial statements. 
  • Expenditures of Grant funds must adhere to the specific line items in the attached Grant Budget. 
  • Changes to individual line items (increases and decreases) that are greater than 25% of that line item and greater than $1,000 must be requested in writing to Larimer County Behavioral Health Services Grants Manager and approved in writing in advance of expenditure. 
  • Any portion of the Grant unexpended at the completion of the project or the end of the period shall be returned immediately to Larimer County Behavioral Health Services. With prior written approval from Larimer County Behavioral Health Services the Grant Period may be extended in order to reach the anticipated outcomes.
Required Notification
  • any change in your organization’s tax status; 
  • any inquiry or audit by the Internal Revenue Service;
  • its inability to expend the Grant funds for the Grant Purposes;
  • any expenditure of Grant funds for any purpose other than the Grant Purposes;
  • any changes to Grantee Contacts (Primary/Director/Signatory) and
  • any other breach by Grantee of this Agreement.

LCBHS encourages your organization to publicize information concerning the Grant in newsletters, annual reports, press releases, websites, and other relevant media. See Communication Support for details 


The Grant Agreement may be amended, supplemented, or extended only by written communication signed by LCBHS. Grantees may not make any changes to grant activities without prior written approval from LCBHS. Note: Amendment requests must be submitted 60 days prior to the end of the grant period.

Items Requiring Formal Request and Approval
  • Extending the program/project period of performance (i.e., “no-cost extension”)
  • Revising the Budget
  • Revising the Scope of Work
  • Other (e.g. Organization unable to fulfill grant requirements, organization dissolving, organization merging with another organization, new fiscal sponsor, etc.)
Adjustments NOT Requiring a Formal Request and Approval
  • Budget revisions under 25% or less than $1,000 per budget summary line item
  • General staff/personnel turnover. We do, however, appreciate being notified of staff turnover as it impacts a BHS-funded position and your ability to complete the work and spending within the grant period. Based on the impact, that may require a formal request for an extension or rebudget.
Future Funding

LCBHS has no obligation to Grantee with respect to any additional or future funding. Financial obligations of the County payable after the current fiscal year are contingent upon funds for that purpose being appropriated, budgeted, and otherwise made available. If funds are not appropriated, budgeted, or made available, the Grant Agreement shall immediately terminate without further obligation on the part of the County. See also C.R.S. 30-25-103

Appendix A – See Required Insurance