The International Code Council (ICC) has published all 2024 building codes. You can access a read-only version of the 2024
codes at ICC’s website. You can also order publications listing significant changes to the various codes. Please see this list of key changes.

Due to several factors, we had to delay our normal code review schedule, which would have occured in 2024:

  • Publication of the 2024 International Energy Conservation Code was significantly delayed due to appeals
  • A grant-funded Fort Collins energy code development committee needed time to get going
  • The state of Colorado published draft codes which are mandatory for certain cities and counties to adopt by specific deadlines

This code cycle is different because the state of Colorado has adopted a model electric-ready/ solar PV-ready/Electric Vehicle-ready code that all counties must adopt as a minimum the next time they adopt any new building codes. The state is also creating a model wildfire hazard mitigation code and a map of the Wildfire-Urban Interface (WUI), which are due to be published in final form by July 1, 2025. Every governing body in the state-defined WUI, including Larimer County, must adopt this code or a more stringent code by October 1, 2025, and have it take effect by January 1, 2026. The state is also developing a model low energy/low carbon code due to be published by June 1, 2025. The low energy code must be adopted by cities/counties if they adopt any codes on or after July 1, 2026 and is optional before that date.

As a region, local building departments are trying to reduce and align our code amendments, and have all our 2024 codes plus the mandatory state codes go into effect at the same time, on January 1, 2026.

If you have any questions or comments about these new codes, please email me at and be as specific as possible: which code(s) are you referencing, which section(s), and what are your concerns or suggestions?

Thank you for your interest in helping us adopt the best codes to protect public safety in the built environment in Larimer County.

Eric Fried
County Building Official