Schedule Remote Video Inspection
1. Schedule Inspection Time. Due to staffing, we can only accept requests one working day prior to the requested date.
2. Follow the inspector’s instructions once you have established a connection.
3. You will be asked to verify the address, permit number, and requested inspections. Note: All Remote Video Inspection appointments must be requested the day before to get a time slot. The last Remote Video Inspection of the day will be scheduled for no later than 3 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Prepare for Remote Video Inspection
Prior to the inspection, ensure that the necessary tools based on type of inspection are readily available. For example, carry a flashlight, tape measure, level, step ladder (for close ups of ceiling), etc. Have county-approved plan and permit card available. Make sure you have good lighting and clear the area of any unnecessary objects.
All features of the home that are applicable to the required inspection must be visible at the time of the remote inspection. The features must be captured sufficiently for the inspector to evaluate. If at any point the inspector believes that the remote inspection process is not allowing them to properly assess compliance, they may require that a building site inspection be conducted at a future date.
Prepare to Receive Remote Video Inspection Call
1. Make sure your smartphone or tablet is fully charged.
2. Clean your device lens and screens for maximum clarity.
3. Be ready to accept a video call at the scheduled time and respond to instructions from the County inspector.
4. Turn off phone or tablet notifications during the video call. Notifications can freeze the video call and will cause delays to the inspection or could require the inspection to be rescheduled.
5. Allow plenty of time as we do not know site specifics. Inspections vary widely in time taken.
6. Listen carefully to the inspector’s guidance as to where to walk and point the camera. Please keep background noise to a minimum. The inspector will set the pace as needed.
During the Inspection
1. Begin inspection at the street view looking at the structure with the address showing.
2. Follow the directions of the inspector.
3. Walk inspection in clockwise direction.
4. Walk inspection from bottom to top (if multiple floors) and left to right.
5. Make note of any items that need to be corrected. The inspector will discuss each item so the necessary corrections are understood. Do not write any comments on the permit card. The card will be updated during the next field visit.
6. The inspector will tell you in the video call if the inspection has passed or failed. Do not cover any work needing corrections until corrections are verified by county inspection.
Inspection results
1. The inspector will update our permit database after the video call is completed. The day after the inspection, comments will be available on the Larimer County Customer Portal indicating passing or failing with a list of corrections.
2. Scheduling re-inspections or the next inspection needed is based on availability of time slots.
3. Your inspector may provide an option for you to send a correction video or photos to them directly. Always provide the address and permit number on all communications.
For assistance/more information/inspection scheduling, please contact Lead Inspector Mark Tewsley at (970) 498-7703 or