Alternative Sentencing Program Details
Pretrial Services is a Larimer County program that provides the court with information to determine the level of pretrial release supervision and bond conditions for defendants. Pretrial Services promotes community safety and return to court while honoring the constitutional presumption of innocence.
The Community Service program (also known as Useful Public Service, UPS) is focused on serving Larimer County’s Community Justice system, while benefiting the Larimer County community. The UPS program assigns sentenced offenders to perform service at approved non-profit and tax-supported agencies.
Electronic Home Detention is a program for people to serve their jail sentence at home with managed access to employment and the community.
The Workender program is an alternative to serving straight jail time. Each client is assigned to a work crew to provide labor for non-profit, tax supported or charitable organizations in Larimer County.
Work Release is a Larimer County program for offenders to serve their jail sentence while living in a residential facility with managed access to employment and the community. The program allows the opportunity for offenders to aid in the support of dependents and to pay court ordered restitution and outside financial obligations while maintaining employment.
Our Victim Services Specialists are here to help crime victims navigate the criminal justice system post sentencing. Our priority is to ensure that crime victims are treated with compassion and respect. Our goal is to keep victims informed throughout the duration of an Alternative Sentencing or Community Corrections sentence. All crime victims covered under the Victim Rights Act are automatically enrolled in the victim notification program. Our Victim Specialists provide support, advocacy, and referrals to community resources.