Larimer County Administrative Services, District Attorney, Courts, Ranch, and Landfill will be closed on December 25, 2024, to celebrate the Christmas Day holiday.
Critical county services are not disrupted by closures.
How do I get started with my community service hours?
You must first complete an interview with a case manager at either the Fort Collins or Loveland offices. The Fort Collins office is located at 2307 Midpoint Drive, Door #3, Fort Collins, CO. The Loveland office is located at 810 E. 10th Street, Suite 140, Loveland, CO (east entrance of the Loveland/Police/Courts building). Interview hours are on a walk-in basis held on Mondays from 12:00 pm-4:00 pm, Tuesday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm. You will need to bring your identification, court paperwork, and fee payment.
How much does it cost?
There is a $120.00 fee. You must pay this fee at your first meeting with your case manager. A reduced fee is available with proper documentation (call 970-980-2600, option 3 for more information).
When can I complete my community service hours?
Community Service hours must be performed after you meet with a case manager.
Where can community service hours be completed?
Community Service hours must be completed at a non-profit, tax supported, charitable based agency with a valid 501(c)(3) designation. You will be assigned to an agency by a case manager.
What if I complete my hours before meeting a case manager?
Hours completed before meeting with a case manager will not be accepted or credited to your case.
What about phone interviews?
Phone interviews can be done if you live a long distance from our office in Fort Collins. Call (970) 980-2600, option 3.
What if I need to complete juvenile community service?
You must first complete an interview with a case manager at either the Fort Collins or Loveland offices. The Fort Collins office is located at 2307 Midpoint Drive, Door #1, Fort Collins, CO. The Loveland office is located at 810 E. 10th Street, Suite 140, Loveland, CO (east entrance of the Loveland/Police/Courts building). Interview hours are on a walk-in basis held on Mondays from 12:00 pm-4:00 pm, Tuesday-Friday 8:00 am-4:00 pm. You will need to bring your identification, court paperwork, and $30 payment. A parent or legal guardian must be present at the interview. If you are a ward of the state, or an emancipated minor, you must bring state documentation.
How do I turn in my community service hours?
Turn in your completed hours by the required deadline with four different options:
Turn hours in at the Community Service front desk Monday-Friday 8:00 am-4:30 pm.
After business hours, you can drop off your hours at the drop box located by the front door.
What if I do not speak English? ¿Qué pasa si no hablo inglés?
If you do not speak English, please bring an interpreter with you to your interview; however, we do have interpreter services available - if needed, please ask a staff member.
Si no habla ingles, por favor de traer un interprete cuando venga a su cita de servicio de communidad; sin embargo, tenemos servicios de interpretación disponibles - si es necesario, consulte a un miembro del personal.
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Community Service Entrance (Useful Public Service)