Registration / Application for Work Release

If you are sentenced to Work Release, you must complete the online Registration/Application within 2 weeks of sentencing.  A start date will be provided to you once your registration/application is reviewed.  If your access to the internet is limited, we will assist you with registration by phone or in person.  Please contact us at (970) 980-2640 for assistance. 

Waitlist Times to Start Work Release
Updated as of 9/05/23


Larimer County Work Release has immediate bed space available for those sentenced, however, below is an estimate of the time between sentencing and program start date;


Waitlist times for sentenced clients - 3 weeks

Work Release is a Larimer County program for people to serve their jail sentence while living in a residential facility with managed access to employment and the community.


  1. Am I eligible to be in the program?

    Your current charge(s) and criminal history will be reviewed to determine your eligibility. You will be notified if you are ineligible and other option(s) to serve your sentence will be discussed.

  2. Do you accept out of county cases?
    We are currently accepting out of county cases. Please contact work release and speak with a case manager for details.
  3. When do I begin my Work Release sentence?

    If you were sentenced to Work Release within the last two weeks, you will need to complete the online registration/application for Work Release.  A start date will be given to you once your registration/application is reviewed by a case manager.  If you are unable to complete the registration/application, contact Work Release at (970) 980-2640 for assistance.  

  4. Can I change my start date?

    No. Once you receive a start date, Work Release cannot change the start date.  You will need to contact the sentencing court about changing your start date. 

  5. Where do I stay during my sentence?

    Male and female clients reside in separate buildings. You will be assigned to a dorm and a specific bunk in Work Release during your entire sentence.  A locked wardrobe is available to store your property. 

  6. What property can I bring into the program?
    • Battery-operated alarm clock
    • Books/magazines
    • Cell phone
    • Clothing (approximately 2 weeks worth)
    • Empty water bottle
    • Handheld personal electronics without any camera capabilities (e.g., MP3 players, IPods, Nooks, portable DVD players) 
    • Hangers
    • Laundry detergent
    • One standard sized pillow with personal pillow case
    • Small battery-operated reading light
    • Prescription and non-prescription medication
    • Tobacco products
    • Toiletries (e.g., shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair dryer, brush, razor)
    • Towel
  7. Which items am I not allowed to bring?
    • Bleach
    • Electronics with camera capabilities
    • Exercise equipment
    • Food
    • Games (e.g., cards, puzzles, board games)
    • Items containing alcohol (e.g., mouthwash)
    • Linens and bedding
    • Portable televisions
    • Speakers
    • Vapor and electronic cigarettes
  8. What about meals?

    You will be provided three meals per day.  If working or going to school, you may be permitted to get food from a fast food restaurant. Vending machines are available in the facility. 

  9. What about laundry?

    There are washers and dryers for you to use in Work Release.  You must bring your own detergent. The cost is $1.00-$1.50 per load.  Bills only. 

  10. Where can I find the Work Release Client Handbook?
  11. How much does it cost?

    The daily minimum daily rate of $20 per day up to a maximum of $50 per day.  The rate is determined by your income. You will pay $15 for each urinalysis test (UA)  Cash, checks, credit and debit cards are accepted.

  12. What if I cannot pay my Work Release fees?

    You will sign a payment agreement on the last day of your sentence.  If you are unable to pay your fees after signing a payment agreement, you will be sent to a collection agency, BAS Receivable Management, Inc. The contact number is (970) 484-2101. 

    If you completed your Work Release sentence after December 1, 2017 and owe a balance, you will need to contact Pay My Jailer at (866) 494-8556 to set up paying your fees. 

  13. What about urinalysis (UA) tests and breathalyzers (BA)?

    You are required to submit random UA tests. For male clients, UA tests are completed at the Day Reporting Center at either the Fort Collins location at 2255 Midpoint Drive, Fort Collins, CO or the Loveland location at 810 E. 10th Street, Loveland, CO.  The Fort Collins location is open Monday-Friday from 10:00 am-6:45 pm and Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 am-3:45pm. The Loveland location is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am-3:45 pm. For female clients, UA's will be collected on-site at the Work Release building. BA tests will be administered daily at Work Release.  

  14. What hours am I allowed to work?

    You can work the shift or schedule that your employer may require from you. You will need to provide pay stubs, employment schedules and other verifiable documentation of your employment.  Restrictions apply if you own your business or are paid in cash. 

  15. What if I am unemployed, retired or disabled?

    You can still participate in the Work Release Program if you are unemployed, retired or disabled.  You may be approved to search for work if you are unemployed. 

  16. Besides work, what other activities am I allowed to go to in the community?

    You are allowed to attend the following verifiable activities: school, treatment classes, court-ordered appointments, bank, medical appointments, legal appointments and church. 

  17. How many hours can I be out of the facility?

    You are allowed out of the facility for a maximum of 12 hours per day for approved activities (travel time included). Documentation will be required if you need more than 12 hours out of the facility. 

  18. What types of transportation are approved?

    If you are a licensed driver, you will be required to provide staff with your current registration and insurance. You may also walk, ride a bike or use public transportation while in the program.  Bus passes may be purchased at Work Release for $12.50 for one month or a pack of 10 individual passes for $4.50. 

  19. Can I receive any good time toward my sentence?

    For anyone with an offense date BEFORE March 1, 2022: You may be eligible to receive one day of good time for every 15 days served on your sentence.  You may also be eligible to earn one day of good time for every three full kitchen shifts worked in the Alternative Sentencing Department (ASD) kitchen.

    For anyone with an offense date on or AFTER March 1, 2022: You may be eligible to receive seven days of good time for every 30 days sentenced on a prorated basis.  You may also be eligible to earn one day of good time every ten days by working three full kitchen shifts in the Alternative Sentencing Department (ASD) kitchen.

    Good time can also be earned by completing classes through ASD.  Some restrictions apply. 

  20. Is there visitation in Work Release?

    In-person visitations are allowed once per week. Depending on which housing area you are placed in, in-person visitation will take place on either Saturday and/or Sunday afternoon.

  21. Where can I get more information about using the pay phones in the facility?

    The pay phones do not accept any incoming telephone calls.  An account must be set-up in order to make outgoing telephone calls.  Please visit or call 1-888-506-8407 to sign up for a prepaid telephone service.  In addition, a kiosk is available in the facility to set up an account.

  22. Are there any programs or recreational activities I can participate in?

    Various programs are offered in the facility (e.g., AA/NA meetings, self-improvement classes, bible study).  A walking track and basketball court are available. (The basketball court is only available for the male population at this time).

  23. Do you have a Work Release Basic Information Sheet in Spanish?

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