STIRT (Strategic Individualized Remediation Treatment)

STIRT provides a 21 day intensive residential program combined with six months of aftercare services tailored to men and women with drug or alcohol dependence and legal issues. It is a highly structured setting for individuals who face imminent incarceration without treatment. The primary goal of STIRT is the reduction of substance abuse and criminal behavior with the immediate objectives of increasing treatment and compliance with criminal justice supervision.


MIRT (Men's Intensive Residential Treatment)

MIRT is a 90 day intensive residential substance abuse treatment program. It incorporates specific curriculum tailored for the men to address substance abuse, trauma and criminogenic risk reduction. This treatment program, through a contract with DCJ, is designed to serve DOC transition, direct sentence to Community Corrections, parole and probation clients from the entire state of Colorado.  


RDDT (Residential Dual Diagnosis Treatment)

This program is intended for individuals presenting with serious substance abuse problems, chronic mental illness, and a history of felony criminal conduct. Adult felons with histories of substance abuse and mental illness are eligible for services from the RDDT program. This treatment is intended for clients who are transitioning to lower-intensity levels of care and/or are re-integrating into the community and whose history of criminal behavior, chronic substance use disorder, lack of functional and supportive living situation, levels of social or psychological dysfunction that necessitate residential treatment. Offenders accepted into the program must have been specifically assessed as appropriate for RDDT placement according to the Adult Standardized Offender Assessment (as revised) and mental health screens and assessments.

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Looking for our Women's Treatment Programs?  Take a look at those here