This data is run on the last day of each month.
Voter Registration Counts by Party
Month | Active Registered Voters |
Republican Party |
Democratic Party |
Unaffiliated | American Constitution Party |
Green Party |
Libertarian Party |
Unity | Approval Voting |
Center | No Labels | Forward | Other |
{{ c.Month }} | {{ c.Active_Registered_Voters | number }} | {{ c.Republican_Party | number }} | {{ c.Democratic_Party | number }} | {{ c.Unaffiliated | number }} | {{ c.American_Constitution_Party | number }} | {{ c.Green_Party | number }} | {{ c.Libertarian_Party | number }} | {{ c.Unity | number }} | {{ c.Approval_Voting | number }} | {{ c.Center | number }} | {{ c.No_Labels | number }} | {{ c.Forward | number }} | {{ c.Other | number }} |
Current: {{ vm.counts[0].Month}}
{{ vm.counts[0].Active_Registered_Voters | number }} Active Registered Voters

Contact Elections
200 W Oak St, Suite 5100, Fort Collins, CO 80521
PO Box 1547, Fort Collins CO 80522
HOURS: 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday (except holidays)
PHONE: (970) 498-7820 | FAX: (970) 498-7847
Our Locations | Facebook | X (formerly Twitter)