Electioneering & Campaign Signs
What is electioneering?
As defined by Colorado statute (C.R.S. 1-13-714), the term "electioneering" includes campaigning for or against any candidate and/or ballot issue that is on the ballot. "Electioneering" also includes soliciting signatures for a candidate petition, a recall petition, or a petition to place a ballot issue or ballot question on a subsequent ballot. No person shall do any electioneering on the day of any election, or during the time when voting is permitted for any election, within any polling location or in any public street or room or in any public manner within 100 feet of any building in which a polling location is located, as publically posted by the designated election official.
Why is electioneering not allowed?
According to Colorado Revised Statutes, no electioneering may take place within a 100-foot limit of any polling location (C.R.S. 1-13-714).
Many polling locations are within privately-owned buildings. Property owners have the right to not allow electioneering anywhere on their property, even if outside the 100-foot limit. Volunteers may be asked to move to public property at the legitimate request of the property owner.
What are the statutory requirements regarding campaign signs?
C.R.S. 1-13-113, Interference with distribution of election material.
"During the period beginning forty-five days before and ending four days after any election, any person who prevents, hinders, or interferes with the lawful distribution of any card, pamphlet, circular, poster, handbill, yard sign, or other written material relating to any candidate for election for any office or relating to any issue that is to be submitted to the electors in any election, or any person who removes, defaces, or destroys any lawfully placed billboard, sign, or written material from any premises to which it was delivered, commits a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars. Any person found guilty of removing, defacing, or destroying any billboard, sign, or written material shall pay the cost of replacement. The owner of the premises, an authorized agent of the owner, or any person charged with enforcement of any state law, ordinance, or regulation may remove any billboard, sign, or written material without penalty when placed without permission or authorization of the owner of such premises, or in violation of state law or county or municipal ordinance or regulation, or which is in place at any time other than during the period beginning forty-five days before and ending four days after any election."
What are the requirements, including sizes, regarding campaign signs for Larimer County?
Larimer County Land Use Code, Section 10.6 U, states:
"Election signs. Any number of signs is allowed, provided such signs do not exceed nine square feet in face area in residential and rural districts, and 32 square feet in face area in nonresidential districts.
Signs must be removed within five days after the applicable election."
Where are campaign signs allowed in Larimer County?
The placement of campaign signs is determined by Section 10 of the Larimer County Land Use Code. General provisions include, but are not limited to the following:
- Signs may not be placed on or over public roads or rights-of-way.
- No sign shall be located to impair traffic visibility or the health, safety, or welfare of the public.
- Any light used to illuminate a sign must be oriented to reflect light away from nearby residential properties and away from the vision of passing motorists and pedestrians.
Do campaign signs require a permit?
No, temporary campaign signs do not require a permit. They must however meet the requirements of the Larimer County Land Use Code.
Are there any other laws that pertain to campaign signs?
City of Fort Collins: Refer to the City of Fort Collins Election Sign Provisions
City of Loveland: Election signs are considered temporary signs under City of Loveland Code. Up to 12 election signs are permitted per residential lot or premise and must be U-Frame or H-Frame. Banners on stakes, banners attached to fences and homes or flying banners and feather flags are not allowed. Signs may not be placed in public rights-of-way or on public property. Election signs may not obstruct views or create traffic hazards, be attached to street lamps, street signs, traffic signs or signals, hydrants, trees, shrubs, fences or utility poles. No permits are required. A sign cannot be taller than three feet or have more than four feet area per sign face. Signs may not contain internal or external lighting or illumination. Election signs may be displayed for a maximum of one hundred (100) consecutive days. City Code allows for two 100-day consecutive time periods as long as there is a break in between the two.
City and town planning departments, private property owners, and homeowner associations may impose additional regulations.
Who should I contact if I believe a sign does not conform to existing land use codes?
If you believe a campaign sign is in violation of a county or city code, please contact the appropriate department.
- Larimer County Planning: (970) 498-7683
- City of Fort Collins Neighborhood Services: (970) 224-6046, neighborhoodservices@fcgov.com
- City of Loveland Code Enforcement: (970) 962-2506
If you believe a campaign sign is in violation of your homeowner's covenant, please contact your homeowner's association or property management company.

200 W Oak St, Suite 5100, Fort Collins, CO 80521
PO Box 1547, Fort Collins CO 80522
HOURS: 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday (except holidays)
EMAIL: elections@larimer.gov
PHONE: (970) 498-7820 | FAX: (970) 498-7847
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