
Welcome to Phone Tag's Duplicate Title page. The first step is to decide if this option is right for your transaction.
Can I do this?
- Must be listed as an owner or an agent for the owner
- The original title is not available
If the above applies to you, visit:
What do I need?
What you need:
- A completed DR 2539A, Duplicate Title Request
- Titles in the name of a business may require a letter of authorization
- If vehicle was financed a valid release of lien from the lienholder
- Prepare the required documents as files or photos, then prior to the call please email them to phonetag@larimer.gov
- Credit Card or Checking account information available during the call (additional charges may apply)
Once you have completed these steps:
Make the call
Call 970-498-7878 (Option 5) to speak to one of our agents
Upon completion of your transaction, please share your experience with us, take our survey at www.larimer.gov/tellusmore.
* Note: If you are requested to upload files or photos to complete the transaction,
please use our PhoneTag Upload Form
Be sure to include your last name in the form.
Only upload the requested documents for a current transaction.