What is the Purpose of The Marijuana Resolution?

Larimer County has adopted regulations for retail marijuana establishments that require state and local licenses for those establishments and confine them to the C - Commercial and I - Industrial zoning districts.  As of July 17, 2017, the Board of County Commissioners passed the Marijuana Resolution to establish regulations specific to unlicensed marijuana cultivations that are allowed pursuant to Amendments 20 and 64 of the Colorado Constitution.  The resolution allows personal medical marijuana cultivation, personal marijuana non-medical marijuana cultivation and medical marijuana primary caregiver cultivation only as an accessory use to the cultivator's/primary caregiver's primary residence and limits a property to one primary caregiver cultivation.  The resolution also established standards to minimize off-site visual and odor impacts of such cultivations.  

The resolution includes a waiver process through which a person who asserts they are unable to cultivate marijuana on the property containing their primary residence can seek approval for an alternative cultivation location from the Board of County Commissioners.   The waiver process requires public notice, a public hearing, consideration of the applicant's justification for seeking permission to cultivate at an alternative location, as well as consideration of the impacts on surrounding properties and consideration of compatibility with the surrounding area.  

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200 W. Oak Street, Suite 3100
Fort Collins, CO 80521
(970) 498-7683 
 Office Hours: 8am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday
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