Property Research Requests
Code Compliance staff is available to conduct research of parcels upon written request to determine if there are outstanding Land Use and/or Building Code issues connected with a parcel.
Property records are automatically researched at the time of a land-use application to determine whether any code violations exist. Research is also automatically done for short-term vacation rental permit applications. Code violations are pursued by Code Compliance staff pursuant to the Priority Rating assigned. Only those code violations having a direct bearing on the land-use or permit application could potentially delay the application process. Building permit applications may be delayed if there is a land use code violation that could preclude the issuance of a building permit.
When an owner, prospective buyer, realtor, mortgage and/or insurance company, or other interested party, requests a report and/or on-site inspection of property to determine if the property is in compliance with Land Use Code and/or Building Code regulations, the following steps are taken by Code Compliance staff:
Receive written Request for Building Permit Research and/or on-site inspection (these forms are located on the Research Request Form tab below)
Staff will advise non-owners making the request that the owner will be notified in writing of the research/on-site inspection results if there are outstanding issues revealed during the research/inspection process.
If an on-site inspection is requested by someone other than the owner, staff will notify the owner by phone or letter that the inspection has been requested asking for the owner’s permission to conduct the on-site inspection. Staff will not conduct an on-site inspection if the owner does not consent to the inspection unless life-safety issued are discovered during the research process. If it is determined life-safety issues may be involved, staff will pursue an inspection warrant through the court system if the owner does not voluntarily allow an on-site inspection. For non-life safety issues, staff will pursue these cases per the assigned Code Compliance priority rating.
If no outstanding issues are revealed during the research/inspection process, the requester will be so advised.
Staff will prepare a written report of the findings from the research and/or on-site inspection if outstanding issues are revealed during the research/inspection process. The original report will remain on file, with copies mailed to the owner and the requestor.
All information contained in staff reports are public record. If additional requests for parcel research are received by staff, copies of the staff report will be provided to all requesters at a cost of $0.25 per page.
Short-term Rental research requests will be a part of the Planning process. For additional information on that process, please call the Planner on call at (970) 498-7679.
Some property records are available through our Larimer County Community Development Online Portal search tool. You may use this tool to perform a search by address, parcel, specific case, permit number, and more. This public portal may not provide all of the historical or comprehensive records but offers a tool to obtain public information. Be aware records may be missing if work was performed without a Land Use and Building approval or historical information has not been linked to the portal. Please see the Research Request Form tab above if you are not finding an answer to your inquiry through the online portal.

200 W. Oak Street, Suite 3100
Fort Collins, CO 80521
(970) 498-7683
Office Hours: 8am - 4:00pm, Monday - Friday
Department Directory