Unincorporated Estes Valley (Outside Town Limits)
What is considered the Unincorporated Estes Valley Planning Area?
How do I find information about the recently adopted regulations for the Estes Valley?
How do I report a potential code violation or submit a complaint?
Are anonymous complaints accepted?
How do I submit a complaint regarding Vacation Homes/Short-Term Rental in the Estes Valley Planning Area?
Some complaints (animal control, noise, vehicles parked on public streets, weeds, etc.) are handled by other agencies.
Information is posted on the following pages:
For properties within the unincorporated area of the Estes Valley, you may submit a complaint here.
See our Submit a Complaint page for FAQs regarding how we accept complaints.
Visit our Lodging Facilities In Residential Dwellings page for the Short-Term Rental Complaint options.
Additional information can be found on our other resources page.
- Animal Control contact NOCO Humane
- Noise contact the Environmental Health Department
- Vehicles parked on public streets longer than 48 hrs contact Larimer County Sheriff
- Noxious weeds contact the Weed District