The 2024 survey is now open for input!

Disasters in Larimer County have supported the need for well-connected communities.

The Larimer County Office of Emergency Management has opened the annual community resilience assessment for input from the public that will guide OEM to improve connectivity, community culture, community leadership, engagement, and other programs are designed to positively impact our community.

Many diverse voices from our community are needed to ensure a wide cross-section of input. Resilient and well-connected communities are better able to cope with challenges and thrive when they happen.

As we work to understand the level of resilience within Larimer County and reach as many diverse voices as possible, please view the summary report below of the 2023 Community Resilience Assessment. 

Larimer OEM is committed to building programs that increase social capital and community preparedness countywide for greater resilience and better disaster outcomes. 

Below are the English and Spanish surveys that we will be seeking input until October 15, 2024.

English Survey:

Spanish Survey: