The 2024 Year In Review

The Larimer County Office of Emergency Management coordinates with partner agencies to better serve and support the community in all phases of disasters while also working to build resiliency in the county.

Emergency Management strives to do the most good for those that need it most by working behind the scenes and, meeting with partners throughout the Larimer County region to build programs and services that meet county needs. Below are major accomplishments and projects from 2023.

2024 Year in Review graphic showing the four phases of Emergency Management: 1.Preparedness 2. Mitigation 3. Response & Operational Coordination 4. Recovery 5.Resiliency
  • 1 Incident
  • 46 Partner Engagements
  • 18 Community Hubs
  • 23 Community Outreach Events
  • 24 Prepreparedness Presentations & Workshops
  • 16 Emergency Operations Center Training & Exercises

Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Plan (IDEA) 2024 - 2026

The Larimer County Office of Emergency Management Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Strategic Plan was developed to outline activities, partnerships, and action items required to ensure a more equitable and inclusive emergency management program that better serves the needs of the community in all phases of disaster.


Cover Page of the IDEA Plan - Green Background with the words "Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Stretegic Plan 2024-2026" Under apicture of  Wildfire,  Community Event, Flood Damage to A road, and People Sitting around a table


Supply Chain Planning 

In 2024, Larimer OEM hosted a few interns who were instrumental in creating comprehensive documents as part of our supply chain planning efforts. The two lifeline plans that were completed this year include a fuel plan and a water/wastewater resilience plan.

Title page picture of the Supply Chain Plan. Shows Aerial view of a building

Access and Functional Needs Working Group

Larimer OEM began facilitating an Access & Functional Needs Working Group of non-government organizations, people with lived experience, and emergency management partners to help address access and functional needs in Larimer County emergencies.

Five empty Blue Circles with small pictures showing the five section to the  CMIST Framework. First circle shows the words communication with small text inside. Second shows the word Maintaining Health with an emoji of a pill. Third shows the word independence with a picture of a wheelchair. Fourth shows the word support and safety with the sillhouette of people. Last says transportation with a picture of a car inside



2024 Larimer Fire Agency Grant Program 

Larimer County provides $30,000 yearly through the Larimer Fire Agency Grant Program to local fire departments and districts to assist with grant matching needs and to provide support for local fire programs. In 2024, this grant helped to firefighter attendance at the Fire on the Plains Academy and fire academy, new turnout gear, and the purchase of replacement nozzles, thermal imaging cameras, fire pumps, and gas monitors.

  • Crystal Lakes Fire Protection District
  • Front Range Fire Rescue
  • Glen Haven Volunteer Fire Department
  • Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Department
  • Lyons Fire Protection District
  • Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District
  • Wellington Fire Protection District


Community Mitigation Grant Program 

Following the 2022 success of the new grant program, the Community Mitigation Grant Program awarded an additional 8 communities funding for hazard mitigation projects in 2023. In total $55,000 was allocated to fund community mitigation projects in 2023 in Larimer County.

The following communities were awarded grants this year:

  • Carriage Hills Property Owners Association
  • Crystal Lakes Road and Recreation Association
  • Glacier View Community Mitigation Volunteers
  • Red Feather Highlands Maintenance Association
  • Horsetooth Lake Estates
  • Big Elk Meadows Association
  • Pinewood Spring Fire Protection District
  • Riverrock Estates Homeowners Association

Crystal Lakes Road and Recreation Association Hidden Park Mitigation and Emergency Vehicle Staging Area Photos: 

Crystal Lakes Road and Recreation Association Hidden Park Mitigation and Emergency Vehicle Staging Area Photo 1. 
Crystal Lakes Road and Recreation Association Hidden Park Mitigation and Emergency Vehicle Staging Area Photo 2.
Crystal Lakes Road and Recreation Association Hidden Park Mitigation and Emergency Vehicle Staging Area Photo 3.



Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District Community Mitigation Initiative and Mitigation Demonstration Project Photo:

Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District Community Mitigation Initiative and Mitigation Demonstration Project Photo.



Red Feather Highlands Maintanence Association Slash Removal Project Photo: 

Red Feather Highlands Maintanence Association Slash Removal Project Photo.

For more information on the Community Mitigation Grant Program


Hazard Mitigation Grant program (HMGP)

FEMA approved funding for phase 1 of the Crystal Lakes Fuels Mitigation Project in 2022, which involved an archaeological study of the project area. The actual treatment work (Phase 2) is set to begin in 2024 with a second FEMA grant award.


Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP) 

The State of Colorado awarded Larimer County a COSWAP grant for a project to perform forest treatments and fuel reduction in the Pole Hill/Waltonia areas in the Big Thompson watershed. Over 150 acres have been treated to date. A project tour was also conducted with attendance from the funding agency, County leadership, Federal partners and local residents. This project is ongoing.


Other Mitigation Updates

  • Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) approved $150,000 to study local wildfire mitigation-generated woody biomass so Larimer County can develop a strategy of possible solutions to woody biomass challenges.

  • Larimer County facilitated the "Wildfire in Northern Colorado" public symposium, with presentations and panel discussions of area leaders and officials from the State of Colorado and Larimer County to share stories and strategies for resilience.

  • The Wildfire Partners Program was launched by the Larimer County Sheriff‘s Office with Larimer OEM as a partner. 

Monsoon Flooding 2023

On August 3 , 2023 storms produced heavy rain along the eastern and southern edges of the Cameron Peak Fire burn scar causing flash flooding conditions and multiple infrastructure damages. 

  • Lower Streamside between CR43 and Black Creek sustained significant damage
  • 4 houses along Streamside lost their driveways; one of them had a 4 foot culvert washed away
  • CR43 had minor woody debris just downstream from Streamside

On Tuesday, August 8, 2023 the Larimer County Board of County Commissioners ratified an Emergency Declaration for Monsoon Flooding 2023.

Monsoon Flooding 2023 impacted road.
Debris from Monsoon Flooding 2023.

Mass Casualty Incident Sandtable Exercise

Larimer OEM conducted a functional sandtable exercise for the Mass Casualty Incident Plan in 2023.  The focus of this Mass Casualty Incident sandtable exercise was to visualize moving emergency resources to the scene of a mass casualty incident, stage resources, and respond to hospitals in a simulated environment.

Mass Casualty Incident Sandtable photo of exercise.
Close up of match-box cars and plastic people on map.









Reunification Exercise

The Larimer County Reunification Plan was exercised in 2023.  The exercise practiced the process of activating and operating a Reunification Center that effectively reconnects individuals as quickly as possible following a disaster or incident.




County Road 47 Event 

Big Elk Meadows Fire Department and Larimer County celebrated the completion of the final 2013 Flood infrastructure project, County Road 47. This road was destroyed during the devastating flood and was the last project to be approved for funding by FEMA. 

County Road 47 before and after photo.
Big Elk Meadows Fire Department Fire Chief addressing the County Road 47 event.

2013 Flood 10th Anniversary

Larimer County held a Commemoration for the 10th anniversary of the 2013 Flood at the Glen Haven Town Hall. During the 2013 Flood bridges were destroyed, roads disappeared, lives were lost, and public and personal property damaged was extensive. The Commemoration honored those whose lives were lost and highlighted the volunteer spirit to rebuild the community after the flood. 

Photo of 2013 Flood 10th anniversary event.
2013 Flood 10 Year anniversary challenge coin.


Visual of disaster funds spent by Larimer County.


Connecting Our Communities Micro-Grant

The Connecting Our Communities Micro-Grant encourages more social connection and increased community resilience throughout Larimer County. Awardees for the Connecting Our Communities Micro-Grant for 2023 include:

  • Lakes At Centerra, Loveland - Block Party
  • Livermore Summer Celebration
  • Pinewood Springs Property Owners Association
  • Poudre Valley Mobile Home Park
Lakes at Centerra in Loveland block party.

Larimer OEM Commmunity Resilience Assessment 

In 2023, Larimer OEM conducted the Community Resilience Survey for the second consecutive year to understand the level of countywide community resilience. Below are a few key findings from the survey:

  • 73% of respondents feel a sense of belonging in their community and 72% feel valued
  • 86% of respondents report working with their local fire department
  • 35% of respondents never engage their local officials
  • 86% of respondents feel prepared but only 28% have community plans for an emergency
  • 50% of respondents do not feel we have services for people with disabilities
  • 90% of respondents would like more resources regarding emergency alerts and warnings
  • 65% of respondents socialize with their neighbors
  • Respondents report that they get their most reliable information about emergencies from Larimer Emergency Telephone Authority (LETA), National Weather Service (NWS), the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office, and Larimer OEM.


Larimer Connects Community Hubs 

Larimer Connects Community Hubs are physical locations that build community resilience through information dissemination and resource sharing. There are now 18 community-led hubs with 11 of those hubs currently storing sheltering supplies in unincorporated Larimer County.


Larimer Connects map.

Larimer OEM has established the following goals for 2024 to improve overall plans and programs for Larimer County.

Veoci Implementation & Training Program

In 2024, all Emergency Operations Center partners will develop, implement and be trained on Veoci, a virtual Emergency Operations Center software tool, for better coordination and efficient processes.


Formalize Regional EOC

The Larimer Regional Emergency Operations Center (LREOC) is a cooperative effort between Larimer County, the City of Loveland, Loveland Fire Rescue Authority and the Town of Windsor. These agencies will work cooperatively in 2024 to formalize EOC processes and procedures across jurisdictions. 


Supply Chain Fuel Plan

Larimer OEM will continue efforts toward a Supply Chain Management Plan in 2024 with a focus on a Fuel Plan to address supply chain needs and priorities during a disaster incident or event that impacts the county and region.


Dare to Prepare / Education Programs

Larimer County OEM will continue to expand its preparedness and education programs in 2024. This will include formalizing the annual schedule for the Dare to Prepare Program to include online and in-person options. It will also include a suite of supplemental preparedness and education options such as the How to Prepare for Everything Workshop, partnerships with youth providers, preparedness classes for Spanish speakers, etc.


Formalize Access & Functional Needs Program

Larimer OEM will continue working with partners to formalize the Access & Functional Needs (AFN) Program in 2024. The AFN Program will include AFN training for emergency management partners to increase awareness of AFN needs in Larimer County, and then identify partnerships and processes to address AFN needs.

Cameron Peak Fire Recovery Collaborative Receives the U.S. Forest Chief's Award

The Cameron Peak Fire Recovery Collaborative was awarded the U.S. Forest Service Chief’s Award for their collective efforts in successful postfire recovery. The Collaborative identified needs, lines of communication, organizational structure, roles and responsibilities, and critical steps to prepare and conduct postfire recovery. The award acknowledged the following partners:

  • Coalition for the Poudre River Watershed
  • Northern Water
  • Natural Resources Conservation Service
  • City of Greeley
  • Left Hand Watershed Center
  • Larimer County
  • Boulder County
  • Grand County
Cameron Peak Fire Recovery Collaborative receiving U.S. Forest Chief's award.
Photo of U.S. Forest Chief's Award.











FEMA's Preliminary Damage Assessment Advisory Panel

Larimer OEM Director Lori Hodges, who is part of FEMA’s National Advisory Council, has been appointed to lead the Preliminary Damage Assessment Advisory Panel formed by the U.S. Congress (HR3709) to provide recommendations to FEMA for improvements to the preliminary damage assessment process following disasters.

By the Numbers

  • 4 Risk Vulnerability Assessments
  • 6 Incidents
  • 18 Community Hubs
  • 24 Community Outreach Events
  • 12 Emergency Preparedness 101 Videos
  • 12 Prepreparedness Presentations & Workshops 


Animal Response Plan 

The Animal Response Plan was signed in 2022. The purpose of this plan is to protect people, animals, and property during an emergency situation by ensuring the effective evacuation and care of both small and large animals in Larimer County.


Reunification Plan 

The Larimer County Reunification Plan was developed in 2022. Reunification, a critical Mass Care function, provides human and technological resources to reconnect individuals as quickly as possible following a disaster or incident.


Fairs & Events 

Larimer OEM coordinated with partners across Larimer County and Weld County to bring back the previously known “Expo” and presented the Family Preparedness & Safety Fair at the Ranch in Loveland in 2022. The community was invited to take part in learning safety tips from first responders and emergency personnel, attend safety vendor booths, tour emergency vehicles, attend American Red Cross Safety classes, enter a giveaway of prizes, and participate in kid's activities such as pumpkin paintings.

Overall, in 2022 Larimer OEM participated in 24 community events to promote emergency preparedness and awareness.

2022 Preparedness fair photo.2022 Preparedness fair photo.2022 Preparedness fair photo.


Larimer Fire Agency Grant Program 

Larimer County provided $30,000 through the Larimer Fire Agency Grant Program to local fire departments and districts to assist with grant matching needs and to provide support for local fire programs. 2022 Recipients:

  • Big Elk Meadows Volunteer Fire Department
  • Glacier View Fire Protection District
  • Glen Haven Volunteer Fire Department
  • Loveland Fire Rescue Authority
  • Livermore Fire Protection District
  • Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District
  • Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District


Community Mitigation Grant Program 

In 2022 Larimer County created the Community Mitigation Grant Pilot Program in an effort to reduce barriers to residents and empower community-led mitigation projects in Larimer County. $50,000 allocated to fund mitigation projects in 2022 in Larimer County

The following 8 communities were awarded up to $10,000:

  • Crystal Mountain
  • Mary's Lake (Estes Valley Watershed Coalition)
  • Glacier View Meadows R&R HOA
  • Glen Haven Association
  • Horsetooth Lakes Estates HOA
  • Lazy D Corporation
  • Red Feather Highlands
  • The Retreat Landowners Association

Community Mitigation Grant Program Project photo.Community Mitigation Grant Program Project photo.


Hazard Mitigation Grant program (HMGP)

  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved $15,000 in funding for Stage 1 of the Crystal Lakes Fuels Mitigation Project.
  • FEMA approved $360,000 for the Larimer County Climate Smart and Sustainability Implementation Plan.
  • FEMA approved $117,000 for the Larimer County Water Master Plan, under the Community Development Department.


Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program (COSWAP) 

The Colorado Department of Natural Resources awarded $1,000,000 as part of the Colorado Strategic Wildfire Action Program for the Pole Hill/Waltonia Fuels Reduction project for cross- boundary landscape mitigation work. Partners involved in the project are:

  • The Larimer Conservation District
  • Big Thompson Watershed Coalition
  • Larimer County Emergency Services
  • Larimer County Office of Emergency Management

Response & Operational Coordination

July 15, 2022 Flooding 

On July 15, 2022, the Larimer Emergency Operations Center was activated in response to the Flash Flooding and Debris Flow in the Retreat, Crystal Park, Crystal Mountain, and County Road 44H. The area received upwards of 2 to 2.25 inches of rain, which was at least a 50-year rainfall event. A total of 1 home was destroyed, 1 outbuilding was damaged, and 5 additional homes had minor damages. Two people perished in the debris flow on Sheep Creek.

July 15, 2022 Flooding photo. July 15, 2022 Flooding photo.

July 15, 2022 Flooding photo. July 15, 2022 Flooding photo.


Power outage Emergency Operations Center Exercise Series 

Four exercises were held in 2022 at the Emergency Operations Center based on a long-term power outage scenario. Approximately 125 people attended each exercise including governmental, non-governmental, and private sector partners.


Larimer County Emergency Operations Center photo.


Cyber Security Analysis 

The National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) also provided Larimer County a cyber security analysis to more accurately identify the operational impacts of cyber attacks & therefore prioritize investments for critical functions.


Wildfire Recovery Collaborative 

In November 2022 the Larimer County Board of County Commissioners recognized the Wildfire Recovery Collaborative on the partnership and work that has helped recover from the Cameron Peak Fire and post-fire flooding. Recovery efforts from the FEMA major disaster declaration amounted to aerial mulching, point-mitigation, reforestation, suppression repairs, hazard tree removal, risk assessments, damage assessments, information dissemination, community outreach, and preparedness activities. Larimer County is truly lucky to have phenomenal partners who all share a role in the Wildfire Recovery Collaborative.

Larimer Recovery Collaborative receiving recognition from the Board of County Commissioners.


Larimer OEM Commmunity Resilience Assessment 

In 2022, Larimer OEM conducted a Community Resilience Survey to understand the level of countywide community resilience. Larimer OEM is dedicated to increasing social capital and community preparedness countywide for greater resilience and better disaster outcomes. Below are a few key findings from the survey:

  • 91% of respondents feel comfortable and/or safe reaching out for emergency assistance when needed.
  • 9.2% of respondents indicated they have NO people in their neighborhood they trust for support in emergency planning.
  • 66.3% of respondents DO NOT believe there are adequate systems in place for people with disabilities or for those who are unable to self-evacuate in an emergency situation.
  • Most people felt they were prepared but also noted they did not have a preparedness plan.


Connecting Our Communities Micro-Grant 

The Connecting Our Communities Micro-Grant encourages more social connection and increased community resilience throughout Larimer County. Larimer OEM awarded Red Feather Lakes Property Owners Association and Relational Life with a micro-grant to help increase social connectivity and resilience in their local communities. OEM is actively working to increase engagement around this micro-grant to help more communities.


Larimer Connects CommunitY Hubs 

Larimer Connects Community Hubs are physical locations that build community resilience through information dissemination and resource sharing. In 2022 we actively engaged with communities throughout Larimer County to strengthen this effort. There are now 18 community hubs throughout unincorporated Larimer County.


Larimer Connects 2022 Map.

2023 Goals

Larimer OEM will implement these exercises and programs to meet established goals for 2023.

Mass Casualty Incident Exercise 

Larimer OEM will facilitate and participate in a Mass Casualty Incident Exercise involving appropriate partners throughout Larimer County to coordinate operations and considerations necessary in response to the Mass Casualty Incident Plan Final Outcome.


Reunification Exercise 

Larimer OEM will exercise the Reunification Plan with critical Mass Care partners that provide human and technological resources to reconnect individuals as quickly as possible following a disaster or incident.


Community Evacuation Drill 

A Community Evacuation Drill will be conducted for a southern Larimer County community in which local community members will practice safely evacuating their homes and reinforce actions to be taken in the event of an emergency in their area.


Community Education Program 

Larimer OEM will be implementing the Community Education Program in 2023 to provide training and information to the public in educating and empowering the community to face disasters and strengthen community resilience in Larimer County. Modules in the Community Education Program consist of Foundation of Resilience & Prepredness 101, Disaster 101, Civic Partcipation, Community Building, Leadership, and Tying it all together.

As part of the first module, Resilience & Preparedness 101, a How To Prepare For Everything Workshop will be available through Larimer County in which the public can learn how to prepare for disruptions instead of disasters, prepare together, strengthen relationships with neighbors, and work on a personalized emergency kit list.


Wildfire Partners Program 

Larimer OEM will be working with Larimer County Sheriff's Office Emergency Services to develop a Wildfire Partners Program. The program will work directly with property owners in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) to advise them of how to best mitigate their properties from the threat of Wildfire. During 2023, the exact details of the program will be worked out, so that the program can be implemented in 2024.


Larimer OEM received two Achievement Awards by the National Association of Counties (NACo) in 2022

  • The Cameron Peak Fire Recovery Dashboard won recognition in the Risk and Emergency Management category.
  • The COVID-19 Cameron Peak Fire Recovery Dashboard won the Best in Category for Risk and Emergency Management.


Larimer OEM photo with Commissioners receiving recognition for two National Association of Counties awards.


Appointment to FEMA’s National Advisory Council (NAC)

In November of 2022, Larimer OEM Director, Lori Hodges was appointed to FEMA’s National Advisory Council (NAC) to act as secretary for a three-year term.


Lori Hodges appointment to FEMA's National Advisory Council.


Lori Hodges named Colorado Emergency Management Association (CEMA) Vice President

CEMA provides representation to many state-wide committees, working groups, and emergency management programs around the state of Colorado.