Build resilient communities and engagements within communities and between communities, agencies, and governments through outreach, networking, education, and coursework throughout Larimer County, Colorado. These new connections will lead to a stronger culture of community resilience, connectedness, and cohesiveness.

What is Resilience?
Think about a brand new tennis ball. Inside the tennis ball is material that is tightly bound together, durable and strong. It seems like the harder you throw the tennis ball against a hard surface, the higher it bounces. So what if you cut a chunk out of the tennis ball? Suddenly, the materials in the tennis ball are no longer so tightly knit together, and when you throw the ball against a hard surface, it does not bounce as high. If the ball lands on the spot where the chunk was taken out of the ball, it is likely that it hardly bounces at all.
Resilience is the first tennis ball. Think of the tennis ball as a community. The tightly knit, durable materials that make the ball able to bounce represent community leadership, your neighbors, and the resources available to your community. When we work together, have the sufficient resources, and do the proper preparation for hazards we may encounter, it does not matter what hard surfaces we are theoretically thrown against, we will bounce back looking like the same community we were before something adverse occurred.
The other tennis ball however, has something missing that makes it unable to bounce. This may be weak community leadership, neighbors who don't make an effort to connect to each other, or inadequate resources. Therefore, when thrown against a hard surface, the second tennis ball is not able to recover.
How does Larimer Connects create resilience in Larimer County?
Nobody knows what their community needs better than the local residents. Larimer Connects recognizes the value of local knowledge. Larimer Connects was created with the understanding that communities that do not have good social connectivity and access to resources are not able to fulfill their potential in becoming resilient. Larimer Connects seeks to work collaboratively with Larimer County communities to identify gaps or barriers in becoming resilient and to support grassroots, citizen-led action to improve the future of these communities.
Essentially, Larimer Connects is YOUR program. You as a resident know what your community needs better than anyone, and know how best this program can work for your community.