Curious about Public Improvement Districts?

If you received a post card from Larimer County regarding your subdivision roads or if you are wanting to learn more about the Public Improvement District program, please sign up to meet with staff.  

There are two types of improvement districts that are available to Colorado residents under state statutes (State Statute 30-20-Part 5-County Public Improvement District Act and State Statute 30-20-Part 6-Local Improvement Districts-Counties):

Public Improvement Districts (PID)

Also known as General Improvement Districts (GIDs), these are formed to make public improvements through an increase in the mill levy tax. Improvements may consist of providing fire protection services or for the purpose of installing, or acquiring any public improvement, including, but not limited to, fire protection facilities, grading, paving, curbing, gutters, or otherwise improving the whole or any part of any street or alley, parking and off-street facilities, sewer drainage collection systems, storm sewer drainage systems, and surface drainage systems. 

Local Improvement Districts (LID)

These districts are formed to construct improvements and assess the cost upon the property benefited by the improvements. Improvements may consist of constructing, grading, paving, pouring, curbing, gutters, lining or otherwise improving the whole or any part of any street or providing street lighting or drainage facilities in the unincorporated areas of the county. Improvements may also include constructing, installing or improving any system for the transmission or distribution of water or for the collection or transmission of sewage, or both systems.

Creating Improvement Districts

A Public Improvement District (PID) enables property owners within a given area to fund construction and maintenance of public facilities. Public Facilities may include street improvements, storm sewer or sanitary sewer improvement or collection systems, water distribution systems, and parks or recreation areas.

The following links provide information for those interested in improving, and maintaining public facilities including those listed above. Costs will be paid as they are incurred from a mill levy that is collected with property taxes.

Application fee: $100

A Local Improvement District (LID) allows homeowners to construct and finance public street, storm drainage, water system or sanitary sewer improvements over a period of time (usually 10 years) so the whole cost of the improvement does not have to be paid at once.

The following links provide information for those interested in the improvements described above.

Application fee: $100

Each Improvement District has an advisory board with members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners from property owners within the district.

The improvement district advisory boards assist and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on the affairs of the district. Such tasks may include identifying improvements to be made in the District, developing an annual budget for expenditure of District funds, and retaining contractors to carry out District projects. In some instances, the advisory board may be asked to carry out resolutions and policy directives of the Board of County Commissioners. Rules for operation of the advisory boards are in the form of bylaws.

General Improvement District (GID) and Public Improvement District (PID) Advisory Boards


The following areas have made application for 2025 with the Larimer County Engineering Department to generate funds to maintain streets within the districts:

  • Nedrah Acres
  • Thunder Mountain


These Public Improvement Districts were approved in the November, 2024, election by the property owners in their district. These districts will generate funds to maintain streets within the districts:

  • Fox Ridge Estates #79
  • Tanager Road #72

Engineering Department - Improvement Districts

Attn Improvement Districts
200 West Oak Street, Suite 3000
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190

Staff Liaison:  Katie Beilby  (970) 498-5726

Email Engineering Improvement District

(970) 498-5700

For current road advisory boards,  please email us regarding any maintenance planning or construction related inquiry at: 

Email Planning & Construction