Did you know that day to day business activities can have a negative impact on local water quality? Dirt, metals, chemicals and trash can be discharged to local waterways with poor business practices. If spills are not properly contained and cleaned, they could result in an illicit discharge.  Even washing your vehicles and equipment can result in discharges containing soaps, oils and fuels, which end up  - untreated - in the storm sewer system and ultimately to your local waterway.

Implementing best management practices and good housekeeping methods ensures our water resources stay clean for years to come.  Check out these resources for more information.


EPA Safer Choice

Dirt from construction sites can cause sediment and debris to be carried into storm drains, creeks, streams and rivers.

  • Sweep up litter and dirt from sidewalks and driveways.
  • Prevent dirt from leaving the construction site. Seed and mulch or establish lawns in bare areas as soon as possible.
  • Dispose of paint and cleaning materials properly. call the Hazardous Waste Disposal Hotline at (970) 498-5771.

Best Management Practices for Construction
Best Management Practices for Small Construction Sites.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention - Urban
Stormwater Pollution Prevention - Rural

Resources for business's to properly dispose of common hazardous waste

Larimer County Business Hazardous Waste Program