Groundwater (wells) and surface water (rivers, streams and lakes) are important sources of water for drinking and recreation in Larimer County. In recent years, reports of bacteria, nutrients, chemicals, and other pollutants in groundwater and surface water have increased concerns about our water quality.
What causes water pollution? Explore the resources below to find answers and learn how you can implement best management practices on your property to protect surface and groundwater quality for yourself, your livestock and for Larimer County.
Colorado State University Extension Office Resources
- Healthy Manure Storage Tips
- Manure Management Guidelines for Small Acreage
- Protecting water quality and conserving water quantity on your property
Non-Point Source Pollution
- Colorado Ag Water Quality - Learn about about nutrient management for producers, including how you can influence Regulation 85 for nonpoint source nutrient pollution.
- CDPHE Water Quality Division - Nonpoint Source Pollution Management
- CDPHE Conservation - Agricultural Water Quality
Other Resources