Communities outside city limits in Larimer County that want safer neighborhoods may use different traffic calming measures to improve safety for all types of transportation. Below are some of the most common measures people ask for to make neighborhoods safer, slow down traffic, and create a friendlier environment:




Funding Source

Engineering Study Required

Consensus Required

Effect on Safety

Speed Humps & Raised CrosswalksTo reduce vehicle speeds by creating a physical obstacle that forces drivers to slow down or to elevate the crosswalk above the street level, making it more visible to drivers and encouraging them to slow down.Commonly placed in areas with high pedestrian traffic, such as near schools or parksNeighborhoodYes65%Reduction in vehicle speeds, improved pedestrian safety
Post Speed Limit or Lower Speed LimitTo inform drivers of road conditions, speed limits, and pedestrian crossings, helping to promote safer driving behaviorFrequently requested in neighborhoods with heavy pedestrian or cyclist traffic

County maintained subdivisions: County

Non-county maintained: Neighborhood



County Engineer Determination

Installing speed limit signs is beneficial

Lowering speed limits without consistent enforcement has little effect on travel speeds

Stop SignsStop signs assign right-of-way at intersections and should not be used for speed controlControl traffic at intersectionsCounty


Multi-way stops must meet minimum warrants


County Engineer Determination

Improves safety at intersections but does little to control speed
Radar Speed SignsTo provide immediate feedback to drivers about their speed, encouraging them to slow down if they're exceeding the limit.Typically placed in areas with speed limits that are often ignored or where speeding is a recurring issue

Short term: County

Long term: Neighborhood


HOA and Road Board Approval


65% of property owners

Limited. Drivers may tend to ignore the feedback over time and may only influence driver behavior near the sign location
Roundabouts & Mini-roundaboutsTo encourage slow and consistent vehicle speeds at intersections, reducing the likelihood of serious crashesTypically used at smaller intersections or areas where stop signs or traffic lights would disrupt traffic flowNeighborhoodYesNo90% reduction of fatal crashes and 75 % reduction in injury crashes

These measures can be combined in various ways to create a safer, more community-oriented environment, where residents feel empowered to address safety issues on neighborhood streets and promote a greater sense of security and well-being for all types of road users.

Engineering Department - Traffic Operations

Attn Traffic Operations
200 West Oak Street, Suite 3000
P.O. Box 1190
Fort Collins, CO 80522-1190

(970) 498-5707
Citizen Request Portal