County Policy on Incentives

Larimer County's official policy on economic development incentives available within the county is available from the County Policies web page.

Enterprise Zone

Colorado's Enterprise Zone Program is designed to spur economic and community development in targeted geographies around the state. Private businesses located within an Enterprise Zone may qualify for incentives related to business investment, company expansion, and/or new business relocation. The program encourages job creation and capital investment by providing tax credits to businesses and projects which promote and encourage economic development activities within the Enterprise Zone. Larimer County actively encourages businesses to use the EZ program to facilitate economic development and business growth, and job creation.

Business Personal Property Tax Incentive

According to Colorado State Statute, the Larimer County Board of Commissioners may negotiate corporate property tax rebates. Larimer County’s policy for qualifying companies engaged in a large capital investment is to rebate up to 50% of personal property taxes for up to five years. Business Incentive proposals are evaluated on the overall economic impact to Larimer County-including the amount of capital investment, employment growth, and wage levels for jobs being created. 

The  specific requirements for qualification are outlined in the Larimer County Economic Development Policy. 

Larimer/Weld Revolving Loan Fund

The Larimer/Weld Revolving Loan Fund was established to assist with the financial needs of companies expanding or locating to rural areas of Larimer and Weld counties. The program was originally funded through the state of Colorado Community Development Block Grant allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Since the program was started in 1991, the fund has loaned $13.1 million to a total of 77 companies. These loans leveraged more than $103 million in capital investment that enabled those companies to create or retain 1,708 full-time employees.

Businesses wanting to apply for the Larimer/Weld Revolving loan fund must meet the following criteria: they must be a private, for-profit organization located in (or considering locating in) rural Larimer or Weld Counties. They must also be considered to be a “primary” industry (i.e. manufacturing, R&D, processing, distribution, etc.) and can demonstrate that the project being funded is creating or retaining jobs.

To apply for a loan you will need to download the application from Upstate Colorado. Decisions are made by the Revolving Loan Fund Board.

The Skill Advance Colorado Job Training Grant (formerly the Colorado First and Existing Industry Grant) 

The Skill Advance Colorado Job Training Grant is state programs that provide grants to support employee training. FIRST grants focus on companies that are relocating to or expanding within Colorado. Existing Industry grants help Colorado companies adapt to new technology and avoid layoffs. 

Colorado C-PACE

Larimer County participates in the Colorado C-PACE program. Colorado C-PACE is a financing tool that allows commercial and multifamily property owners to finance qualifying energy efficiency, water conservation, and other clean energy improvements on existing and newly constructed properties, with repayment of the financing through a voluntary assessment on their property tax bill.