Summer and Fall Land Conservation Programs
LCCC operates summer and fall crews for young adults, ages 18 - 30. Crews are typically made up of 1 crew leader, 1 assistant crew leader, 6 to 8 crew members. These crews often camp near their project site Monday -Thursday, working 10 hour days. LCCC crews enhance and restore public lands and open spaces through projects such as trail building and maintenance, habitat restoration, fire mitigation, invasive species removal and more.
Forestry Crews
These crews of 18 - 30 years old members become S-212 and Wilderness First Aid certified before operating chainsaws to complete fire mitigation, tree removal and fire restoration projects throughout Larimer County. One ongoing project this crew has contributed to involves fire mitigation work on the Ben Delatour Scout Ranch in an effort to reduce wildfire severity and post-fire impacts on the watershed in the event of a wildfire. Unique education opportunities for this crew include impacts of wildfires on habitats and watersheds, career development and lessons on forest management.
Trail Crews
RMNP Trail Crew
This crew, for individuals 18 - 30 years old, serves and camps in Rocky Mountain National Park. This crew completes trail construction/repair and maintenance projects that are needed to accommodate the approx. 3.5 million visitors every year. Unique education opportunities with this crew include meetings with park staff to learn about the wide variety of career opportunities with NPS, federal resume workshops, and lessons on the natural history and ecology of RMNP.
US Forest Service Trail Crew
This 18 - 30 years old crew serves and camps in Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forest lands while performing trail construction/repair and maintenance projects within the 208,913 acres of forest that were damaged in the 2020 Cameron Peak Fire. This crew works in partnership with US Forest Service staff to reopen trails for public use and to prevent erosion in sensitive post-fire areas. Unique education opportunities with this crew include wildfire and post-fire impacts, purpose of recreational areas and personal and professional development.
Land Crew
Our only 18 - 30 year old crew completes the largest variety of projects out of all of our crews including trail construction and maintenance, invasive species management, fisheries maintenance and ecological restoration. With projects on local, state and federal lands throughout Northern Colorado, our Land crew has the potential to camp for portions of the summer. Unique education opportunities with this crew include resume building, natural history and ecology, and professional skill building.