Spring Employment Event - Group of teens gathered together and smiling.

Get a jump on your spring & summer job search

Whether you are looking for a job now or wanting to start work in the summer, now is the time to begin!

The CareerRise Team is connecting teens to businesses & other summer opportunities.

We are hosting a TEEN JOB FAIR & EMPLOYER PANEL in partnership with Colorado Youth Outdoors for youth & their parents. Attendees have the opportunity to:
  • Meet and network with local employers in a job fair format.
  • Attend a business panel about best practices for job search.
  • Learn about PAID internships, summer opportunities & MORE!
  • Enhance your online presence and get a free professional headshot.

The Spring Employment Event is scheduled for:

DATE: Saturday, March 29th, 2025

TIME: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

LOCATION: Colorado Youth Outdoors

Event Schedule:

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM & 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Job Fair & Resource Tables

11:30 AM -12:00 PM - Employer Panel

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM - Free Professional Headshots


Register to attend our Spring Employment Event

Check out the Jump Start Your Job Search: Spring Break Workshop Series to help you prepare for summer employment and the Spring Employment Event. The Career Rise team will offer workshops on Job Search & Applications 101, Foundations for Employment Success, Resume Building, and Interviewing Skills.

Register for Jump Start Your Job Search Workshops today!

If you have any questions, contact the CareerRise Team!

(970) 498-6608 or careerrise@larimer.org


Employer Name | Location | Hiring Age

  • City of Fort Collins Recreation/Aquatics | Fort Collins | 15+
  • City of Loveland Parks & Recreation | Loveland | 14+
  • Colorado Youth Outdoors | Fort Collins | 16+
  • Columbine Health Systems |Fort Collins & Loveland | 17+
  • Elite Youth Sports/NoCo Sports Center | Windsor | 15+
  • Fort Collins Lakeside KOA | Fort Collins | 16+
  • Holiday Twin Drive-In Theatre | Fort Collins | 15+
  • Larimer County Conservation Corps | Fort Collins | 18+
  • Loveland Laser Tag | Loveland | 15+
  • The Elizabeth Hotel | Fort Collins | 16+
  • Wing Shack | Fort Collins & Loveland | 15+
  • More businesses to come!


  1. Is this an indoor or outdoor event?

    The event will take place indoors within the Richardson Hall Education Facility on the Colorado Youth Outdoors campus.

  2. Where do I park for the event?

    When you arrive at the Colorado Youth Outdoors campus, follow the cones and signs to make your way to the main parking lot and event area.

  3. Is there a cost to attend?

    No, this event is free to all attendees!

  4. If the event is free, why do I need to pre-register?

    Pre-registration is highly encouraged and helps us keep you informed about any updates or changes related to the event.

  5. What should I do to prepare for this event?

    We encourage you to come to the event dressed professionally and ready to engage with potential employers. In addition to dressing professionally, if you have a resume be sure to bring multiple copies to share with employers that you might be interested in working with.

    It's helpful to research the businesses you are interested in talking with at the event. This leaves a good impression on the employer showing your interest.

  6. What if I don't have a resume?

    Attend our Jump Start workshop series during spring break week to get assistance from the CareerRise staff in building a resume.

  7. What is a professional headshot and how do I prepare for mine?

    A professional headshot is a valuable asset that can enhance your professional image to your online presence.  Think of this as picture day for your business personal brand.  Your clothing, hair and any makeup or jewelry should be professional and not distracting. 

    The professional headshots will be optional at the event.

  8. What happens at the employer panel?

    Learn directly from employers about how young job seekers can standout in the application and interview process. This will offer valuable insight about how to successfully navigate the job market as a teen.

  9. Is this a family friendly event?

    Yes! The employers and resources at the event are geared toward youth/young adult job seekers. We welcome family members and supports to attend and learn about opportunities for the young people in their lives.