Career Specialist providing employment support to a job seeker at a reception desk.

Get prepared, get hired.

For ages 14-24, we help others achieve early employment success. Learn skills critical for successful job applications, creating winning resumes, interviewing with ease, & developing overall professionalism in order to earn (and keep) job opportunities.

Start Your Job Search Online.

Begin by scouting out jobs on search engines like Connecting Colorado, Indeed, Monster, LinkedIN, etc. and don’t forget to look at city job boards, company websites, and social media like CareerRise Facebook.  Jobs posted online tend to be more competitive than jobs found in the hidden job market. Follow up with a phone call or email after submitting your application. Practice applications through a master application. Sign up to receive weekly updates on featured employers, hot jobs, and job search tips from experts through the CareerRise Newsletter.

Master Application

CareerRise Newsletter

Create a resume that will attract employers even if you have no previous work experience. 

Use online resume builders to market your past experiences, skills, and qualities in a targeted resume for your job search.  Review our resume tips  and download our skills based resume template to begin.  If you need additional assistance you can try this online resume building toolSend a draft of your resume to the CareerRise team and receive valuable feedback.  

Resume Tips

Skills Based Resume Template

Resume Building Tool

Request a Review of Your Resume

Learn how to best present yourself and get the job offer. 

Practice common interview questions, learn to “tell stories” and understand the tips and techniques to present yourself to the employer to get the job offer.  Prepare for an interview  with written responses before you practice out loud.  Review common mock interview questions and pair up with a friend or family member to practice or request a virtual mock interview with one of our Career Specialists to help you prepare.

Preparing for an Interview

Common Mock Interview Questions

Request a Virtual Mock Interview with a Career Specialist

Follow us to check out weekly job opportunities we find for youth & young adults that we share on our weekly job board!

CareerRise Weekly Job Board

Follow us on Facebook as another way to keep informed of upcoming opportunities.

Follow us on Facebook 

Volunteering is a great way to build experience and employability skills. Check out our volunteer opportunities list and see if there are any of interest!

Volunteer Opportunities List

Meet with a CareerRise team member to get tailored support to maximize your job search. Support could include developing a job search plan, resume review, identifying employment opportunities, application assistance and more. Take action today! After you've reviewed the resources on this page, complete the job consult request form or call (970) 498-6608 to schedule an appointment.

Job Search Consult Request

Land a Job!  Gain Independence!  Receive updates on youth-friendly employers, hiring events, job search tips and more! 

This newsletter runs biweekly during the months of February through August and then will reduce to monthly distribution from September through January.



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Finding employment when you are just starting out can feel overwhelming and you may notice that many employers post positions with a starting age between 16-18. We have pulled together some resources and ideas to give you a starting place in your job search. 

14-15 year old Resources

View a list of local area employers who are known for hiring youth & hear their advice for getting noticed !!

Youth-Friendly Employers

Reflect on your career interests and turn it into an entry level job. 

Take online career assessments to narrow your interest areas. Every career pathway starts with a first experience whether it is an informational interview, job shadow, career tour, internship, apprenticeship, or other form of employment.  Reach out to business professionals to learn more about their career pathways (called an informational interview) and you will walk away with valuable knowledge and you never know, you might find yourself with a summer job you are interested in for the long term. We've pulled together information on how to conduct an informational interview .

Take Online Career Assessments

Informational Interviewing Instructions.

The CareerRise team offers a variety of seasonal programs throughout the year to help young people prepare for and connect to employment opportunities. Check out the Seasonal Opportunities page to see current offerings.