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What is the inCompass Program?

Find your path. Education & employment are everything, but not everyone is equal when it comes to how & when these are achieved.

The Larimer County CareerRise team supports a variety of customized services for those, ages 16-24, who are facing financial and/or other obstacles.

Paired with a Career Specialist, you will design a career plan to support services that could include:

  • Intensive career guidance & employment support
  • Financial support & training for those obtaining a High School Equivalency (H.S.E.) Diploma/General Education Diploma (G.E.D.)
  • Paid internships
  • Transition support after high school
  • Tuition support for additional training & education

The inCompass program is funded through the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (W.I.O.A.).

WIOA Complaint & Grievance Process

Are you a high school senior on track to graduate by May 2025? 

Check out our Fast Track program for high school seniors.

How do I get started with inCompass?

1) Determine if you are eligible

Eligible youth must meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Ages 16-24
  • Not currently enrolled in school or training
    • * If you are a current high school senior on track to graduate by May 2024, you could be eligible for our Fast Track program.
  • Face a challenge to employment. One of the below criteria must be met:
    • Dropped out of high school
    • Pregnant/parenting
    • Justice involved (probation and/or have a criminal background)
    • Foster Care (current or aged out)
    • Documented disability/mental health diagnosis
    • Homeless/couch surfing

If none of the above challenges apply to you & you are part of a low income household, you may still be eligible! A staff person will want to speak with you first to ensure you meet other criteria before applying. Call us at (970) 498-6608.

2) Attend an inCompass Program Orientation
  • Ready to move forward? Join us at an upcoming inCompass Program orientation to gain an excellent understanding of the services offered & what will be expected of you as a participant. You can then make an informed decision on if inCompass is a good fit for you!
  • Those ready to move forward after the presentation will be given a link to complete our program application.

If the below dates pose a significant challenge, call us for alternative options: (970) 498-6608

In-person orientations do NOT require registration. You do not need to bring anything with you to orientation.

Virtual orientations DO require registration so we can send you the link to access the online orientation.

See Orientation Dates Below
3) Complete the inCompass Program Application

Access to the application is given at orientation. Once you complete the application you will be started on your path to success!

What will you achieve with the help of inCompass?

Upcoming inCompass Orientation Dates