The Young Entrepreneur Tournament 

For Young Adults ages 18 and under. It all starts with an idea.

The Fall 2023 Young Entrepreneur Tournament has concluded. Check out some photos of the event below.

Interested in participating in a future session? Complete our interest form to be notified when registration opens.

Young Entrepreneur Tournament Interest Form

Discover what it takes to make your ideas a business reality in a series of fun, hands-on weekend sessions. Work with veteran business leaders and build a business model you can put into action TODAY. Pitch your idea to a panel of entrepreneurs and compete against your peers to win money (over $2,200 in prize money to give away!) to help you start your new enterprise.

YET offers individuals 18 and under an incredible opportunity. No idea is too small, no experience necessary to begin this exciting journey!

The Details:
  • Youth ages 18 and under are invited to participate.
  • Training and mentorship typically occurs on four consecutive Saturdays followed by a pitch event on the following Saturday.
    • Participants will develop and refine their business plans with experienced business leaders.
  • Participants will meet at 200 W. Oak Street, Fort Collins from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM each Saturday. Lunch will be provided.
  • Pitch your business  plan to a panel of judges and compete for over $2,200 in prize money, including a $1,000 top prize. Learn what it takes to start your business and start earning money today!

Attend the pre-tournament orientation and ideation session:

  • Create and define your business ideas.
  • Get a jumpstart on your business plan.
  • Meet your facilitator and ask questions.
  • The orientation and ideation session will take place prior to the Saturday training sessions.

Want to be notified when the next session is scheduled

 Fill out our interest form

Questions? Call the CareerRise Team at (970) 498-6608 or

Learn more about The Young Entrepreneur Tournament by watching the videos below.