Follow the 5 steps below to make your advanced care plan.

Talk With Our Guides!​

We're here to answer any questions you have and can help guide you through the process from start to finish. ​You can contact us by giving us a call 970-498-6019 or sending us an email at

The Conversation Project has a wonderful, free kit that will help you prepare your thoughts and better prepare you to discuss your preferences with your health-care agent and those closest to you.


Discuss Your Health Care Whishes with Your Loved Ones

Making your health-care choices known in advance is a gift to those you love...



Complete the Conversation Starter Kit! 

The Conversation Project website has a wonderful, free kit that will help you prepare your thoughts and better prepare you to discuss your wishes with your health-care agent and those closest to you.

Document Your Wishes

Who would speak for you and make your medical decisions if you were unable to speak for yourself? 

Health-care Agent Selection Guide

Complete Your Medical Durable Power of Attorney

Once you have determined who would be willing and able to make your health-care decisions in the event you lack capacity to do so yourself, it's time to appoint your agent by filling out your Medical Durable Power of Attorney form. 

For Spanish, Click Here

Complete Your Living Will

Once you have appointed someone to make your end-of-life, health-care decisions, it's time to give instructions for your agent and the medical professionals to follow. These instructions come in the form of your Living Will.

For Spanish, Click Here


 Talk or meet with one of our guides to review your documents, ask questions, and see if any further advance directive documents are needed. The Colorado Hospital Association has compiled information about Medical Durable Power of Attorney and Living Will documents.

Our Guides Can Help!

The Larimer Advance Care Planning Team is ready to help you notarize and witness your advance directives. Please call to make an appointment 970-498-6019 or send us an email at

While only the Colorado Advance Directive for Surgical/Medical Treatment (Living Will) requires two disinterested witnesses, because the formal requirements for completing advance directives differ from state to state, we highly recommend that all legal forms are properly witnessed and notarized. This increases the likelihood that they will be honored in other states you may travel to.


You're Done, Now What?

Once you've completed your plan, there are some essential people you should share your advance directives with so the documents have the best opportunity to be used correctly when the time comes. Be sure to share your documents with:

  1. Your healthcare agent (and alternates/backup agents)
  2. The hospital system(s) in your area
  3. Your primary care physician
  4. Other family, friends, clergy or important individuals in your life.

Here in Northern Colorado, we can help with sharing the documents to the hospital system(s) in our area. 

Along with sharing copies of your documents with people, it's important to keep your originals in a known and accessible place. Your agent(s) and emergency responders will need to know where these documents are and be able to get to them with ease.


Larimer County Colorado State University Extension

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1525 Blue Spruce Dr.     
Fort Collins, CO 80524-2004

Phone: (970) 498-6000

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7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.    
Monday - Friday


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