Virtual Classes · Pre-Recorded Workshops · & More

We offer a variety of live and pre-recorded workshops to help you develop tools to navigate stress and live mindfully. 

Check back soon for upcoming classes or watch videos of pre-recorded events. 

A silhouette of a head. Crumpled balls of multiple colored paper hover over the head.

 Pre-Recorded Workshops and Series


Hope & Healing - Watch Now

The turning of the year offers new promises. What do we dare to hope for? What aspects of individual and collective healing can we seek, even during difficult times? While there is no “secret” formula for bringing about change, there are a number of ways to access hope and healing. We will be drawing on perspectives from positive psychology and the science of mindfulness to explore how we might approach cultivating the inner resources that can support our aspirations. 

Originally made as part of a CSU Alumni Series, this course is available to all. 

Screenshot from Hope & Healing Video

Self Care Planning Workshop (59 min) - Watch Now

Has self-care been secondary to everything else in your life? This workshop recording can help you reprioritize. You will identify areas of your life that need greater attention and develop an individualized self-care plan based on realistic goals and grounded in your values and vision for optimal well-being.

Originally made as part of a CSU Alumni Series, this course is available to all. 

Screenshot from Self Care Planning Workshop Video

Emotional Resilience: Growing our Inner Resources and a Steady Core (59 min) - Watch Now

When confronted with stress, our bodies and minds react by going into a fight-or-flight response. Our natural instinct is to turn away, self-protect and distract from difficult emotions. In this workshop, we will draw from mindfulness principles and practices to explore alternative responses. Mindfulness offers tools to help us stay present with difficult emotions, decrease our reactivity, and make choices that support our wellbeing. We will explore approaches to help us build resilience, transform our difficulties and create new pathways for self-care.

Originally made as part of a CSU Alumni Series, this course is available to all. 

Screenshot from Emotional Resilience Video

Pre-Recorded Series: Mindful Self-Care

Stress can have a negative impact on our health. This video series has tools you can use to navigate stress, anxiety, and other challenging feelings.

Screenshot from Mindful Self-Care Video

Pre-Recorded Series: Mindfulness for Challenging Times

Watch these pre-recorded videos to learn some tools you can use to practice mindfulness during challenging times. 

Screenshot from video: Mindfulness for Challenging Times

 CSU Online: Mindfulness Training for Everyday Live

Mindfulness Training for Everyday Life is offered through CSU Online. This experiential online program will introduce you to fundamental mindfulness concepts, principles, and practices that can help you cultivate greater awareness, better manage stress, and tap into more joy, gratitude, and compassion. Throughout this program, you will learn a range of skills, including:

  • How to increase awareness of your own habits and behaviors.
  • Techniques for observing thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
  • Tips for managing stress more effectively in a variety of situations.
  • How to practice self-compassion and compassion for others.

This program includes seven courses. You can enroll in any number of courses. After completing all seven courses, you will receive a Certificate to represent your new credentials.

Learn more, register, and pay enrollment fees here

Screenshot from the CSU Online - Living Mindfully Enrollment Page

Resources for Parents and Guardians

There's no "one-size-fits-all" approach to youth and social media. We have listed some resources for parents and guardians that can help balance social media use while supporting youth mental health.

A teenager looks at their phone

Hope & Healing - Watch Now

The turning of the year offers new promises. What do we dare to hope for? What aspects of individual and collective healing can we seek, even during difficult times? While there is no “secret” formula for bringing about change, there are a number of ways to access hope and healing. We will be drawing on perspectives from positive psychology and the science of mindfulness to explore how we might approach cultivating the inner resources that can support our aspirations. 

Originally made as part of a CSU Alumni Series, this course is available to all. 

Self Care Planning Workshop (59 min) - Watch Now

Has self-care been secondary to everything else in your life? This workshop recording can help you reprioritize. You will identify areas of your life that need greater attention and develop an individualized self-care plan based on realistic goals and grounded in your values and vision for optimal well-being.

Originally made as part of a CSU Alumni Series, this course is available to all. 

Emotional Resilience: Growing our Inner Resources and a Steady Core (59 min) - Watch Now

When confronted with stress, our bodies and minds react by going into a fight-or-flight response. Our natural instinct is to turn away, self-protect and distract from difficult emotions. In this workshop, we will draw from mindfulness principles and practices to explore alternative responses. Mindfulness offers tools to help us stay present with difficult emotions, decrease our reactivity, and make choices that support our wellbeing. We will explore approaches to help us build resilience, transform our difficulties and create new pathways for self-care.

Originally made as part of a CSU Alumni Series, this course is available to all. 

Pre-Recorded Series: Mindful Self-Care

Stress can have a negative impact on our health. This video series has tools you can use to navigate stress, anxiety, and other challenging feelings.

Pre-Recorded Series: Mindfulness for Challenging Times

Watch these pre-recorded videos to learn some tools you can use to practice mindfulness during challenging times. 

 CSU Online: Living Mindfully

Living Mindfully is offered through CSU Online. This experiential online program will introduce you to fundamental mindfulness concepts, principles, and practices that can help you cultivate greater awareness, better manage stress, and tap into more joy, gratitude, and compassion. Throughout this program, you will learn a range of skills, including:

  • How to increase awareness of your own habits and behaviors.
  • Techniques for observing thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
  • Tips for managing stress more effectively in a variety of situations.
  • How to practice self-compassion and compassion for others.

This program includes seven courses. You can enroll in any number of courses. After completing all seven courses, you will receive a Mastery Badge to represent your new credentials.

Learn more, register, and pay enrollment fees here

Screenshot from the CSU Online - Living Mindfully Enrollment Page

Mindfulness Training for Everyday Life is offered through CSU Online. This experiential online program will introduce you to fundamental mindfulness concepts, principles, and practices that can help you cultivate greater awareness, better manage stress, and tap into more joy, gratitude, and compassion. Throughout this program, you will learn a range of skills, including:

  • How to increase awareness of your own habits and behaviors.
  • Techniques for observing thoughts, emotions, and sensations.
  • Tips for managing stress more effectively in a variety of situations.
  • How to practice self-compassion and compassion for others.

This program includes seven courses. You can enroll in any number of courses. After completing all seven courses, you will receive a Certificate to represent your new credentials.

Learn more, register, and pay enrollment fees here

Screenshot from the CSU Online - Living Mindfully Enrollment Page

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7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.    
Monday - Friday


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