Safety is the Primary Consideration:

While you cannot predict the quality of your competition or the unique criteria of each judge, there are some steps you can take to increase the chances of earning a blue ribbon.

You want to use safe preserving procedures so that no one becomes ill. Improper processing methods or times can cause the growth of harmful bacteria that can cause serious illness or even death.

Make it Safe:

  • Follow research-tested recipes exactly for processing methods and processing times. Appropriate altitude adjustments must be made.
  • Use the pressure canner to can any low-acid food—that includes meats, soups, and all vegetables except acidified tomatoes and pickled vegetables.
  • Acidify tomatoes with bottled lemon juice or citric acid before processing either in a boiling water bath or pressure canner.
  • Process high acid foods in a boiling water bath canner.
  • CSU recommendations must be used for jerky to ensure safety.
  • Use two-piece lids. Remove the screw band for storage, but put a clean screw band on the jar to bring it to the fair.
  • Always use standard brand name clear, non-colored canning jars in good condition. No reusable lids.
  • Recipes are required for all canned and dried products. The recipe must be affixed to the jar or container and must include:
    • Ingredients
    • Preparation instructions
    • Method
    • Time
    • Temperature
    • Source of recipe

Processes that are unacceptable and unsafe include:

  • Open kettle processing
  • Oven canning
  • Inversion sealing
  • Steam canning
  • Paraffin sealing
  • Meat jerky dried from unsafe meats

Label Your Entry:

A complete label provides the judge with information as to how you canned or dried the food.

The label must include:

  • Name and variety of food
  • Method of preparation (canned: type syrup, style of pack; dried: pretreatment used, if any)
  • Method of processing (canned: water bath, pressure canner—indicate weighted or dial gauge; dried: oven or dehydrator)
  • Processing time, altitude and pounds of pressure (p.s.i.)
  • Date canned or dried

Follow the fair book rules exactly for each category:

  • Enter items only in established categories. Don’t bring an entry for which no category exists.
  • Do not bring an exhibit that has been previously entered in the same event.
  • Make sure jars are clean and dry. Sticky or dusty jars and jars with signs of old labels will be quickly eliminated.
  • After washing jars, bring jars to the fair with new screw bands attached. Make sure bands are not wet or rusty. (Jars should not be stored with bands at home.)
  • Use standard clear, non-colored canning jars with two-piece lids in standard sizes. No reusable lids.
  • Avoid decorative jars, padded lids, or fabric covers.
  • Use the appropriate headspace called for in your recipe directions.
  • Check that there is no foreign matter such as stems, seeds, or skins in the jar.
  • Liquid should cover the solids in the jar.


Use research-tested recipes to be sure your canned goods are safe and top quality. The following have been scientifically tested for safety and quality:

Find out more about entering Open Class at the Larimer County Fair website.

View a copy of the Open Class Fair Book


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