The Beef project is open to youth age 8-18. Your involvement in this project allows you the opportunity to develop and use new life skills by caring for a market animal or building your own herd. 

The Larimer County Beef Project is a great way to learn about animal husbandry and overall care. Youth in the Beef project interact with research-based information that encourages confidence, character-building, industry knowledge, and sportsmanship. Youth will can learn how to properly care for an animal and how to keep accurate records.

Why Participate in a Beef Project:

  • Opportunity to learn about raising a market animal
  • Build budgeting skills
  • Learn about accurate record-keeping

Special Considerations:

Before starting a beef project, you should consider that it may have a sizeable investment in excess of $2,000. You should develop a cash flow budget and be sure that you have adequate funding for this project.  You can contact our office if you have questions about the equipment and materials needed.

2023 - 2024 Year Project Orientation

Date: October 13, 2023
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: Loveland/Fort Collins Rooms in the McKee Building at The Ranch

This is a great opportunity to learn about different aspects of the beef project and how to be successful with your project animal.

A teenager shows her market animal at the fair

Starting Out - Beginner

Inspiring youth to:

  • Learn about beef cattle
  • How to identify the parts of a calf
  • Identify breeds of cattle
  • Different types of feeds
  • Evaluating different beef animals
  • Purchase, feed and care for animals
  • Evaluate project with leader
  • Learn about goal setting
  • Learn how to keep records
  • Exhibit an animal on tour, achievement day or at the fair
  • Learn how to assume responsibility

Learning More - Intermediate

Inspiring youth to:

  • Learn about nutritional requirements for beef cattle
  • Learn about a cow’s digestive system
  • Identifying common cattle diseases
  • Learn about goal setting
  • Gain knowledge of sound management practices
  • Exhibit an animal on tour, achievement day or at the fair
  • Develop sportsmanship
  • Develop public speaking skills

Exploring Depth - Advanced

Inspiring youth to:

  • How to deal with current issues relating to raising beef
  • Gain leadership skills by helping others learn about cattle
  • Explore career opportunities in the beef industry
  • Investigating technology's impact on beef production
  • Exhibit an animal on tour, achievement day or at the fair
  • Build lifelong friendship

All project manuals are received through the Larimer County 4-H Extension office. These will be distributed to 4-H members through their organizational leaders (club leaders) after enrollment is complete. For more information on enrollment visit Join 4-H.

Thinking about signing up for the Beef Project? Already enrolled but have questions? Contact:


Bailey Schilling
4-H Livestock Agent

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