The Larimer County Goat Project is a great way to learn about animal husbandry and overall care. 

Why Participate in the Goat Project?

  • Learn how to properly raise an animal 
  • Build budgeting skills
  • Develop confidence
  • Gain industry knowledge
  • Learn how to keep accurate records
A teenager holds her goat

How is STEM included?

  • Science:
    • Fundamental aspects of nutrition
    • Heritable traits
    • How aspects of evaluation correlate to end results
  • Technology/ Engineering
    • System designs
  • Math 
    • Outlining Budgets
    • Targets an end point weight

Please note:

On occasion, workshop dates may need to change. Please check the Clover Connection and/or Livestock Calendar for the most up-to-date information.

Dairy Goat Project Workshops:

These workshops will be vital for all new members, leasing members, returning members, and others interested in the project!

  • March 5, 5:30 p.m., Loveland Room, McKee
  • April 2, 5:30 p.m., TR Community Arena Meeting Room, TR
  • June 4, 5:30 p.m., TR Community Arena Meeting Room, TR
  • July 9, 5:30 p.m., TR Community Arena, TR (Bring your animals)

Topics we will cover:

  • Caring for your animal
  • Different dairy goat breeds
  • Working with our animals
  • Clipping our animal's hooves
  • Clipping our animal's fur
  • Dairy Goat shows in our area
  • Order of a show
  • Showmanship
  • Judging
  • Anatomy parts of a dairy goat
  • Scorecard categories and values

Market Goat Project Workshops

Subjects in workshops listed below are tentative. Information may change based upon audience needs or current events. Workshops following the orientation will have a showmanship component where kids are welcome to bring their animal to practice with. Other events that may pertain to the project are listed in order by date.

  • May 22, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. - Benefits of Working with Your Veterinarian/Animal Health, 4-H, Youth, and Community Arena
  • June 5 & 6 - Sheep & Goat Camp, 4-H, Youth, and Community Arena
  • June 12, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. - Record Keeping, 4-H, Youth, and Community Arena
  • June 26, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Fitting your animal for exhibition, 4-H, Youth, and Community Arena

Market Goat Tag-In Day (required to participate in County Fair)

  • May 8th, 2024, 4-H Pavilion from 4pm - 7pm

Round Robin Workshop

The Extension office will be hosting a Round Robin Clinic that will have all 7 species. Extension office will use experienced showman to help demonstrate how to show each of the respected animals. 

  • July 10, 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., Round Robin Workshop (All Species Invited), New Community Youth Arena - Arena Space

MQA Training

  • Friday, May 17, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the Exhibit Hall, McKee 4-H Building, The Ranch.
  • The training will take between an hour to one and half hours to complete. You do not have to be there the entire time. Please arrive by 6:30 p.m. in order to complete the training in a timely manner.
  • If this is your first year in 4-H or your first year in a livestock project you must attend. You must  attend once as a Junior member, ages 8 to 13 and once as a Senior member, ages 14 - 18 as of December 31, 2023. All eight year olds and all 14 year olds must attend this year. 


Youth enrolled in the goat project should:

  • Establish your project goals.
    • These goals can involve internal growth as a 4-H member, community connections, or even competition goals. 
    • We suggest setting goals before purchasing an animal because it will allow you to focus on animals that will allow you to achieve your goals. 
  • Determine what you have for a budget for the upcoming year.
    • Things to consider when setting a budget:
      • Facility/ housing
      • Purchasing an animal
      • Vet expenses
      • Feed cost
      • Travel
      • Equipment Expenses
  • Complete their e-Record/ Record Book

Requirements to Participate in the County Fair:

  • Your animal must have a Premise ID
  • You must attend MQA (meat quality assurance) training at minimum:
    • Your first year as a junior
    • Your first year as a senior
  • You must attend Market Goat tag-in day
  • Attend any mandatory sale meetings
  • Upload your animal ID/photo in 4-H online


Starting Out - Beginner

Inspiring youth to:

  • Learn how to properly care for a goat
  • Identify the parts of a goat
  • Learn about a goat's digestive system
  • Learn about different types of feed
  • Identify common goat diseases
  • Learn how to evaluate a goat
  • Learn how to produce a safe, wholesome product
  • Learn how to keep records
  • Learn how to assume responsibility

Learning More - Intermediate

Inspiring youth to:

  • Investigate technology's impact on goat production
  • Learn how to exhibit your animal
  • Purchase, feed, and care for animals
  • Learn about goal setting
  • Gain knowledge of sound management practices
  • Develop sportsmanship and public speaking skills

Exploring Depth - Advanced

Inspiring youth to:

  • Learn how to deal with current issues related to raising goats
  • Gain leadership skills by helping other learn about goats
  • Explore career opportunities in the goat industry
  • Build lifelong friendships

All project manuals are received through the Larimer County 4-H Extension office. These will be distributed to 4-H members through their organizational leaders (club leaders) after enrollment is complete. 

Thinking about signing up for the Goat Project? Already enrolled but have questions? Contact:


Bailey Schilling
4-H Livestock Agent

NCMGB Scholarship Opportunity

The Northern Colorado Meat Goat Breeders Inc. (NCMGB), also formerly known as the Weld County Meat Goat Breeders, will be awarding one or more $500 scholarships, depending on availability of funds.  These scholarships are available to graduating high school seniors or undergraduates furthering their education at a college, university, or trade school in the 2023-2024 academic year. These are the qualifications to be eligible to apply:

  • Current or past member of a Weld County or Larimer  County 4-H or FFA program.
  • At some point in your 4-H or FFA career, prior to November 14, 2021, you purchased a market or breeding goat from a NCMGB member, and received a copy of our organization's "Market Goat Application" form, bill of sale, or proof of transfer, signifying your purchase from a member of our organization.  You are also eligible if you raised the animal yourself as a NCMGB member.
  • Have not previously received a scholarship from our organization

The application postmark deadline is March 31, 2023.  Please send an email to to request an application form and further information.

To print all upcoming events, select "Agenda" and then "Print"