
Retail Food, Child Care, Plan Reviews

Fee CategoryDescriptionTotal Fee Amount
Child CareChild Care - Plan Review and Pre-Opening Insp93.00
Retail Food - LicenseCDPHE Portion of License43.00
Retail FoodCivil Penalty 1 - $250250.00
Retail FoodCivil Penalty 2 - $250250.00
Retail FoodCivil Penalty 3 - $500500.00
Plan ReviewEquipment Review-Hourly Fee93.00
Plan ReviewEquipment Review-Initial Fee100.00
Retail Food - LicenseGrocery Store (>15,000 sq ft) License Fee353.00
Retail Food - LicenseGrocery Store (0-15,000 sq ft) License Fee195.00
Retail Food - LicenseGrocery Store w/ Deli (>15,000 sq ft) License Fee715.00
Retail Food - LicenseGrocery Store w/ Deli (0-15,000 sq ft) License Fee375.00
Plan ReviewHAACP Plan Review-Hourly Fee93.00
Plan ReviewHAACP Plan Review-Initial Fee100.00
Retail Food - LicenseLimited Food Service License Fee270.00
Retail Food - LicenseMobile Unit (full service food) License Fee385.00
Retail Food - LicenseMobile Unit (limited/prepackaged TCS) License Fee270.00
Retail Food - LicenseNo Fee License (K-12 schools, Non-Profit orgs benefitting food insecure)0.00
Plan ReviewRFE Plan Review Application Fee$100
Plan ReviewOnsite Plan Review and Pre-Opening Inspection278.00 + $93/hour after 3 hours
AdministrativeOther Receivables1.00
Retail FoodPenalty - Construction or remodeling without submitting plan review250.00
Retail FoodPenalty - Score >49 points on Four out of Five inspections in a 12-month period (First Assessment)500.00
Retail FoodPenalty - Score >49 points on Third Reinspection500.00
Retail FoodPenalty - Selling or serving food prepared in a private home (Non-Cottage Food)250.00
Retail Food - LicenseRestaurant (>200 seats) License Fee465.00
Retail Food - LicenseRestaurant (0-100 seats) License Fee385.00
Retail Food - LicenseRestaurant (101-200 seats) License Fee430.00
Plan ReviewRetail Food - Change of Ownership Inspection110.00
Retail FoodRetail Food License - Mail Duplicate100.00
Plan ReviewRetail Food Plan Review/Pre-Opening-Hourly93.00
Retail FoodTemporary Events - 3 Consecutive Days105.00
Retail FoodTemporary Events - Calendar Year315.00
Retail FoodTemporary Events - Late Application - 3 Consecutive Days210.00
Retail FoodTemporary Events - Late Application - Calendar Year630.00
Retail FoodTemporary Events - Late Application - Up to 14 Consecutive Days525.00
Retail FoodTemporary Events - Up to 14 Consecutive Days265.00


Water Sampling


Fee CategoryDescriptionFee
Water SamplesWater Sample - Bacteria (Total Coliform/E.Coli PA)22.50
Water SamplesWater Sample - Copper22.50
Water SamplesWater Sample - Fluoride21.50
Water SamplesWater Sample - Iron22.50
Water SamplesWater Sample - Lead23.00
Water SamplesWater Sample - Nitrate21.50
Water SamplesWater Sample - Nitrite21.50
Water SamplesWater Sample - Quanti-Tray Total Coliform/E.Coli24.50
Water SamplesWater Sample - Solids Dissolved18.50
Water SamplesWater Sample - Solids Suspended18.50
Water SamplesPseudomonus22.50
Water SamplesHUD/Real Estate package85.50
Water SamplesLab Fees - Other3.00
Water SamplesEPA Recommended Private Drinking Water Well349.50
Water SamplesAnnual Package101.50


Fee CategoryDescriptionFee
PoolsPools - Additional Venue (Pool Inspection)64.00
PoolsPools - Late Payment Fee50.00
PoolsPools - Plan Review -Application Fee and Review278.00 + $93/hr after 3 hours
PoolsPools - Plan Review / Pre-Opening insp (hourly after 3 hours)93.00
PoolsPools - Pre-Opening Inspection (hourly)93.00
PoolsPools - Return Trip/Follow Up80.00
PoolsPools - Routine Inspection185.00

Onsite Wastewater Systems (Septic)

Fee CategoryDescriptionFee
OWTSOWTS Change in Use Review110.00
OWTSOWTS Cleaner - License100.00
OWTSOWTS Cleaner - Renewal50.00
OWTSOWTS Inspector - License100.00
OWTSOWTS Inspector - Renewal50.00
OWTSOWTS Installer - License100.00
OWTSOWTS Installer - Renewal50.00
OWTSOWTS Owner Self-Install Fee315.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Altered/Renewed Permit85.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Commercial (New & Repair)2,490.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Limited Use Wastewater810.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Line Connection190.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Major Repair/Remodel1,200.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Minor Repair680.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Remodel/Upgrade1,200.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Residential New1,710.00
OWTSOWTS Permit - Return Trip185.00
OWTSOWTS Professional License Late Fee50.00
OWTSOWTS Site Evaluation Fee205.00
OWTSTransfer of Title - Acceptance Document110.00
OWTSVariance Request275.00
OWTSWater Quality Control Division Fee20.00
Environmental Health