File Environmental Health Complaint

Please submit this Complaint Form for concerns about air quality, solid and hazardous waste, drinking water, septic systems, retail food safety, public facility safety and sanitation, and more. 


For more information about today's forecast, visit the State's Air Quality Advisory Page

Air Quality Notifications:

Sign up for Notifications which alert you to air quality factors in your area, such as ozone levels:

More about local and regional air quality conditions:

Air Quality Services: 

  • Performing ambient air monitoring for carbon monoxide, ozone, particulates-PM10 and PM 2.5
  • Inspecting minor stationary sources permitted through the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Pollution Control Division
  • Performing CFC compliance inspections
  • Issuing burn permits
  • Investigating air quality complaints   

Please Note:

  • The Larimer County Department of Health & Environment does not inspect, test, or enforce indoor air quality (including mold) or living condition issues in rental or privately owned properties. If you're renting in Fort Collins and have concerns about your indoor environment or living conditions, visit the City of Fort Collins website for more information.
  • We are not directly involved with the Mobile Emissions Program, which deals with car emissions and transportation-related issues. Also, indoor air quality is not regulated in private homes.

For businesses that might need air quality permits, visit the State Department of Public Health Small Business Assistance Program.

On June 9, 2022, the Larimer County Department of Health & Environment provided an overview of air quality in Larimer County, including the sources and contributors to ground-level ozone, potential health impacts of poor outdoor air quality, public health’s role in addressing air quality issues, and information about how residents can help improve air quality in Larimer County. View the recording here.

A EPA downgrade from serious to severe violator will require implementation of several new measures aimed at reducing air pollution;

  1. Gas stations in the Northern Front Range will need to sell cleaner-burning gasoline, with this change expected to take effect in summer 2024.
  2. The rules for when a business needs a permit and must control emissions will be stricter, affecting nearly 500 new businesses.
  3. Existing businesses with permits will also face tougher requirements. As a result of these changes, there will be more resources for staff, monitoring equipment, and pollution reduction programs.


Ground-level ozone, also known as "bad" ozone, isn't directly released into the air. Instead, it forms when chemicals called NOx and VOCs react with sunlight and heat. Major sources of NOx and VOCs include emissions from factories, power plants, vehicle exhaust, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents.



ground level ozone picture chart

Gas powered lawn equipment contributes roughly half of the ozone producing pollutants as all of the light duty vehicles, and newer electric versions are convenient and quiet.

The Sources of Air Pollution

Many activities that release pollution into the air contribute to poor air quality and the formation of ground-level ozone.

Sources of pollution include:

  • Mobile sources: cars, buses, planes, trucks, and trains
  • Stationary sources: power plants, oil refineries, factories, and industrial facilities
  • Area sources: agricultural areas, cities, and wood-burning fireplaces
  • Natural sources: wind-blown dust and wildfires

Regionally, transportation-related emissions make up a little more than half of our regions NOx, and around 30% of the VOC contributions. Regionally, 28% of NOx and 44% of VOC contributions are from oil and gas production.



Graph showing summary of emissions from 9 county nonattainment areas.png

The largest contributor of NOx and VOCs in Larimer County is transportation, at 70% and 55%.




Intermountain West Data Warehouse graph


transportation_impacts pyramid graphic.png

In areas of poor air quality, children and the elderly are most vulnerable to health effects. Such as:

  • Eyes, nose, and throat irritation
  • Shortness of breath, decrease in lung function
  • Can make asthma and other respiratory symptoms worse
  • Increase in ER and Urgent Care visits with increase in ozone
  • Avoid exercise during the hottest part of the day
  • Some people should limit or avoid prolonged exertion outdoors on high ozone days:
    • Children and older adults
    • Those with lung disease
    • People who are active outdoors

In partnership with the State’s Air Pollution Control Division, we are adding six new ozone monitoring sites this summer in Bellvue, Fort Collins, Livermore, and Loveland. The data from these temporary sites will be analyzed to see if more permanent monitoring locations would help in tracking air pollution in our area.

A major but often overlooked source of air pollution is gas-powered small engines, such as lawnmowers, trimmers, leaf blowers, and chainsaws. These machines usually don't have emission controls like most vehicles, and we're working to expand a regional program that helps replace this equipment for more residents in Larimer County.

Lastly, our staff is trained to spot violations at local facilities, respond quickly to odor complaints, and collaborate with the state on enforcement. In some cases, we’ve worked with the state to add extra monitoring equipment in areas where complaints have been reported to help investigate the problem.

  • Carpool or use public transportation, bike, or walk whenever possible
  • Avoid idling in your car
  • Maintain proper air pressure in tires
  • Refuel your car in the evening when it's cooler
  • Follow gasoline refueling instructions for efficient vapor recovery, being careful not to spill fuel and always tightening your gas cap securely
  • Delay lawn and gardening work that uses gasoline-powered equipment until after 7pm
  • Use paint and cleaning products with fewer or no volatile organic compounds
1. Launch Commercial Electrification of Lawn Equipment pilot. Decrease emissions from nonpoint sources that are known to contribute to ground-level ozone. The pilot was launched in September 2024, offering up to $6,000 grants to commercial landscaping businesses to switch to electric lawn equipment. 
2. Ensure oil and gas operators submit Financial Assurance Plans and engage operators on plugging and abandoning low-producing wells.Reduction in hydrocarbon emissions including VOCs and methane from low producing wells.Being led by Larimer County Planning through their consultant. These meetings are occurring and the county has identified ~100 low producing wells that are subject to these rules.
3. Locate a new regulatory monitoring site, based on results of temporary ozone monitors placed in west Loveland, Livermore, and Bellvue.Additional data that contributes to air quality planning and regulatory activities in our region.Two sites were identified in 2022 and 2023. The Timnath site is built and up and running, and collecting data. The Loveland site is near completion and is planned to be up and running in the summer of 2025. 
4. Purchase and use of an infrared optical gas imaging (IR) camera to Air Quality inspection program.Reduction in hydrocarbon emissions including VOCs and methane from stationary sources of pollution.The camera was purchased and LCDHE staff have been trained to use the camera. The camera is being used during routine and complaint inspections. 
5. Produce a short film to educate the community about air quality issues in Larimer County. Raise awareness of air quality issues and the impact of ground-level ozone in Larimer County.The video is available to be viewed here. Educational social media graphics and captions can be found here

What are the concerns with wildfire smoke?

  • Wildfire smoke is a mix of gases and fine particles that can cause a number of breathing and respiratory issues.
  • The primary concern with wildfire smoke is fine particulates    

Are N95 masks effective at protecting me from smoke?

  • The best solution is to remain indoors and provide high-efficiency air filtration, but if you must be outside a tightly fitting N95 or P100 respirator can provide some benefit.    

Who is sensitive to wildfire smoke?

  • People with lung disease, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or current or recent respiratory infections.
  • People older than 65 due to increased risk of lung disease or younger than 18 with lungs still developing.
  • People who smoke.
  • Outdoor workers with higher exposures.     

What should I do to protect myself from smoke?

  • Stay indoors and keep doors and windows closed.
  • Relocate to areas less impacted by smoke.
  • Use air conditioning to keep cool and filter air.
  • Put HVAC systems into recirculate mode to reduce bringing in additional smoke.
  • Use a portable air cleaner set to the highest speed to filter indoor air.
  • Avoid strenuous activities to reduce breathing in smoke.
  • If you must be outside, an N95 mask or P100 respirator that fits tightly may provide some benefit.
  • If driving during a smoke event, use the Recirculate Air button in your car.   

What if I don’t have air conditioning and it’s too hot to keep doors and windows closed?

What can commercial buildings do to improve indoor air quality?

  • Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible.
  • Run HVAC systems on recirculate mode and limit intake of fresh air into the building.
  • Upgrade filters on HVAC systems to higher efficiency models, MERV 13 or higher.
  • Consider using low-cost sensors to monitor indoor particulate matter to measure the effectiveness of filters and HVAC systems.     

Where can I get information on smoke levels in my area?

  • The AirNow Fire and Smoke Map shows the areas impacted by smoke as well as current particulate levels based on air quality monitors in the area.
  • Fire and Smoke Map

Other Air Quality Resources

Air Quality

Department of Health and Environment - Environmental Health