

About This Database

Retail Food Regulations

This Restaurant Inspection Database allows users to view inspection data for restaurants, fast food operations, delis, markets, cafeterias, convenience stores and other types of food establishments regulated by the Larimer County Department of Health and Environment.

Food establishments located in Larimer County are governed by Colorado state statutes and regulations. LCDHE conducts routine inspections of any establishments where food is warehoused, stored, prepared, served or sold for human consumption. Establishment inspection frequencies vary depending upon the operation's potential risk, based on factors that have been shown to contribute the most to foodborne outbreaks.

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Inspection Ratings

As mandated by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment and accordance with CRS 25-4-1607.7 starting January 1, 2020, Larimer County is required to report retail food inspection ratings utilizing Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment’s three tier rating system.

The inspection rating is determined by adding the point value assessed for each item found OUT of compliance. The sum of the points is then compared to the schedule below to determine the rating.


The establishment meets fundamental food safety standards. The establishment could have some priority, priority foundation or core violations. Some or all violations were corrected during inspection. The risk index range is 0-49 total points.

Re-Inspection Required

Food safety violations were found. Corrections may have been made but the rating requires a re-inspection to ensure basic food safety standards are met. The establishment has a higher level of risk with several priority, priority foundation or core violations. The risk index range is 50-109 total points.


Significant unsanitary conditions or other imminent health hazards were found. The establishment has multiple priority, priority foundation or core violations representing high risk. Facility must cease operations until conditions and violations are corrected. Facility must receive prior approval by the health authority before reinitiating operations. The risk index range is 110 total points or greater.

Not Rated

These are not full inspections. They may be related to review of plans or construction or remodeling of an establishment, a check of a facility under construction, an opening inspection of a new facility, a complaint investigation, enforcement actions and follow-up inspections used to check correction of violations cited during a routine inspection or reinspection.

Inspection Types

Larimer County Department of Health and Environment conducts several different types of routine food inspections in retail food establishments.

Complete Inspections

A complete inspection evaluates a food establishment's compliance with the Colorado Retail Food Establishment Rules and Regulations. Inspectors use risk base inspection methodology to evaluate an establishment's food handling, food preparation practices and potential sources of food contamination as well as the sanitation and structural conditions of the establishment to determine compliance with the food safety regulations.

Key-Item Inspections

A key item inspection focuses on an establishment's food handling, food preparation practices and potential sources of food contamination. These inspections are not complete inspections, they may not include structural violations that do not directly impact food safety.

Routine Inspections

A routine inspection evaluates a food establishment's compliance with the Colorado Retail Food Establishment Rules and Regulations. Inspectors use risk base inspection methodology to evaluate an establishment's food handling, food preparation practices and potential sources of food contamination as well as the sanitation and structural conditions of the establishment to determine compliance with the food safety regulations.

Re-inspection Required Inspections

A full routine inspection, mandated by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment's enforcement protocol. Re-Inspection Required inspections are conducted following an inspection where inspection point totals are greater than 50 points. They are conducted to recheck an establishment's efforts to comply with Colorado's food safety regulations.

Inspection Item Types

  • Core item - a provision in this Code that is not designated as a priority item or a priority foundation and usually relates to general sanitation, operational controls, sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs), facilities or structures, equipment design, or general maintenance.
  • Priority foundation item - a provision in this Code whose application supports, facilitates or enables one or more priority items. Priority foundation item includes an item that requires the purposeful incorporation of specific actions, equipment or procedures by industry management to attain control of risk factors that contribute to foodborne illness or injury such as personnel training, infrastructure or necessary equipment, HACCP plans, documentation or record keeping, and labeling;
  • Priority item - a provision in this Code whose application contributes directly to the elimination, prevention or reduction to an acceptable level, hazards associated with foodborne illness or injury and there is no other provision that more directly controls the hazard and includes items with a quantifiable measure to show control of hazards such as cooking, reheating, cooling, handwashing.

Food-borne Illness Risk Factors & Interventions

Risk factors are important practices or procedures identified as the most prevalent contributing factors of food-borne illness or injury. Public health interventions are control measures to prevent food-borne illness or injury.

Compliance status to be designated as IN, OUT, NA, NO for each numbered item
OUTNot in Compliance
NONot observed
NANot applicable
COSCorrected on site
RRepeat violation