Services Available by Appointment

Birth and death certificates can be obtained online, by mail, or by fax using the information and resources on this page.

Si usted habla Español y tiene preguntas, por favor llame a 970-498-6710.

Hours: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. | Monday through Friday, except County holidays.

Important information:

-The Larimer County Vital Records Office is closed daily from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.    
In-person services are by appointment only. Please call to schedule. 

-Please arrive on time, as our appointments typically last 15-20 minutes.

-If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, your appointment may need to be rescheduled.


1525 Blue Spruce Drive    
Fort Collins, CO, 80524    
Phone: (970) 498-6710

Birth Certificate Application  Birth Certificate Application (Spanish)

We issue certified copies of birth certificates for all births that occurred in Colorado.

How to Order a Birth Certificate

  • In person: By appointment only. During the appointment you will need to fill out an application and present a current, valid photo ID.


  • Mail: Print and fill out the application. Attach a copy of your current, valid photo ID.
    • Send to: Larimer County Vital Records, 1525 Blue Spruce Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80524.
  • Online:

    You have two options for submitting your application online:

    1. **Using VitalChek:** You can verify your identity through the online tool provided by Vitalchek. Please note that a surcharge of $7.50 will apply when using this service.

    2. **Submitting a Paper Application:** If you have a paper application, you can also submit a copy of it online using the provided form.

Valid ID Requirements 

  • All requests must have a valid ID submitted with the application. See Valid ID list for proper documentation.
    • Important note: Additional documentation may be required as proof of eligibility. 


The first copy of a certified birth certificate is $20. Each additional copy of the same record is $13 if ordered at the same time. 


  1. Who can get a certified Colorado birth certificate?
    • Registrant: The person named on the birth certificate.
    • Parent: Your name must be listed on the birth certificate.
    • Siblings/Half-Siblings: You must have a birth or death certificate that shows you have at least one parent in common with the registrant. We cannot accept baptismal, hospital, or school records.
    • Current Spouse: You must have a certified copy of your marriage or civil union certificate. For common-law marriage, a notarized affidavit is required.
    • Children: You must have a birth or death certificate that shows you are the child of the registrant. We cannot accept baptismal, hospital records, or school records.
    • Legal Guardian: You must have the original certified court order proving custody.

      If your relationship to the registrant (person named on the birth certificate) is not listed above, please contact the Larimer County Vital Records Office for more information.

  2. Can you provide a birth certificate from out of state?

    Larimer County can issue birth certificates for all births which occurred in Colorado. We cannot issue birth certificates for births which occurred in other states or countries. Please contact the State or County Vital Records Office in which the birth occurred for more information.

  3. How can I change or correct a birth certificate?

    Larimer County cannot make any changes or corrections to Colorado birth certificates. All changes and corrections must be processed through the State of Colorado Vital Records office at 303-692-2200 or

  4. I just gave birth. Does the hospital submit the birth certificate on my behalf?

    To get the certified Colorado birth certificate you must apply at a vital records office. The hospital only registers a child’s birth.

  5. Is there always a fee for birth certificates?

    Yes, the fee for a Colorado Birth Certificate is $20. Each additional copy of the same record is $13 when ordered at the same time. Larimer County also accepts vouchers issued by Human Services Departments in Colorado.

  6. Do I have to order from the county the child was born in?

    Larimer County can issue certified birth certificates for all births that occurred in Colorado. You do not have to get the birth certificate from the county the birth occurred in.

  7. Can I get my records from your office in Loveland or Estes Park?

    Our Fort Collins location is the only vital records office in Larimer and Jackson Counties. Our offices in Loveland and Estes Park do not offer vital record services. 

Vital Records