WIC Breastfeeding Information
WIC provides support for breastfeeding families.
There are many different ways that WIC helps support breastfeeding moms. It is our goal to help moms discover how amazing breastfeeding can be and how it benefits both mom and baby.
Benefits of Breastfeeding Your Baby
For babies:
- Fewer allergies
- Easier to digest than formula
- Better jaw and tooth development
- Higher IQ
- Fewer illnesses
- Less likely to overeat, reducing the risk of childhood obesity
For moms:
- Helps lose pregnancy weight quickly
- Lowers the risk of certain types of cancer
- Provides bonding time and relaxation with the baby
- Boosts self-esteem
- Fewer bottles to clean and sanitize
- Cheaper than formula
Free WIC breastfeeding Programs

Pump Loan Program
WIC also loans hospital grade pumps to moms in need to help continue breastfeeding. These moms either have complications with breastfeeding or they may be returning to work/ school and be separated from their baby for long periods of time.
Breastfeeding Peer Counselor
A WIC Peer Counselor is a mom that has breastfed her baby. She may have had the same issues or questions that you have. She has special training to help you and your baby by giving you practical help and support.
Single User Pump Program
WIC also provides moms who decide to breastfeed for the first full year of life a pump to keep instead of formula. These pumps are reserved for mothers who will be separated from their infant for a long period of time (such as school or work) who wish to continue breastfeeding for the full year. Please ask your WIC Educator if you qualify for this program.
Colorado Breastfeeding Laws
The Nursing Mothers Act requires Employers to:
- Give paid or unpaid break time, to express breast milk for up to 2 years after the child's birth.
- Provide a nursing mother with a private location (other than a toilet stall) in which to express milk
- Not discriminate against women for expressing milk in the workplace