Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM)
- Starting March 1st, 2025, most food establishments will need to have a Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) in charge. However, a CFPM may not be required during all hours of operation. For example, a CFPM might not be needed during low-risk food preparation before the business opens (like in bakeries) or in places like bars where drinks and low-risk foods are served, but the kitchen is closed.
- CSU Extension Certified Food Protection Manager
Food Safety Works
- Food Safety Works is a training program for food service workers that teaches the basics of safe food handling. When food handlers are properly trained, they can help improve food safety and reduce the risks of foodborne illness and outbreaks. Completing the course successfully earns a 2-year certification. Please note, basic food safety training is not required by the 2022 Food Code.
- Food Safety Works
Food Safety Training for Cottage Food Producers
- The Colorado Cottage Foods Act requires producers to complete a food safety training course prior to starting a cottage foods business. These trainings cover specifics of the Colorado Cottage Food Act and how to safely operate a food business from a home kitchen.
- Cottage Food Safety Training