The Small Grants for Community Partnering Program has awarded grants to communities throughout Larimer County using a portion of the Help Preserve Open Spaces sales tax for outdoor neighborhood and community-based projects. 

The program was created by Larimer County's Department of Natural Resources (LCDNR) to provide the community with direct access to open spaces sales tax dollars to support outdoor community projects and to nurture community partnerships for lasting impacts across the region. 

LCDNR invites new and returning non-profit organizations, HOAs, K-12 schools, and community-based organizations to apply for seed or capacity-building funding to develop and enhance natural landscapes, provide nature-based environmental education opportunities, provide access to nature for those experiencing barriers, provide opportunities for people to connect with the land through local agricultural food production, or conduct research on county open spaces. 

The program supports a wide range of community-based projects, including but not limited to xeriscape gardens, outdoor classrooms, wetland restoration or improvements, removal of invasive species, community garden improvements, environmental education signage, lake/pond shoreline improvements, nature-based workshops, educational training, and more!

The 2026 Grant Cycle will Open in August 2025.

Please check back later this summer for information about the 2026 grant cycle.  

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**For questions about the program or applying, please get in touch with the Small Grants Program Coordinator, Jenn Almstead, at

  1. The American Adventure Sports Club (Supported by Vibe Tribe Adventures)
    Project Restoring Connections Between Underrepresented Communities & Nature
    Location: Northern Colorado 
    Award amount: $4,000
  2. Colorado Youth Outdoors
    Project: Sustainable Agriculture Demonstration Plots
    Location: Windsor
    Award amount: $4,000
  3. Estes Valley Recreation and Park Foundation
    Project: Permaculture Program at Lake Estes Golf Course
    Location: Estes Park 
    Award amount: $3,882
  4. Hispanic Women’s Farming Project
    Project: Healthy Vegetables for Harmony Village Families
    Location: Fort Collins
    Award amount: $3,961
  5. Fort Collins Museum of Discovery 
    Program: Tuesday Night Live Programming for “Nature All Around Us” 2025 Special Exhibit
    Location: Northern Colorado
    Award amount: $4,000
  6. Fort Collins Montessori
    Program: Educational Gardens
    Location: Fort Collins
    Award amount: $4,000
  7. Fossil Creek HOA
    Project: Russian Olive Removal Projects
    Location: Fort Collins
    Award amount: $3,520
  8. Sproutin’ Up
    Project: Three Sisters Garden
    Location: Fort Collins
    Award amount: $3,500

The Larimer County Small Grants Program is an initiative of the Larimer County Open Lands Program to disburse Help Preserve Open Spaces Sales Tax dollars throughout the County for projects related to conservation and enhancement of, and recreation and/or education on, open space on public and private lands. Initiated in 1997 with a trial project (Ptarmigan Run), the program funded six projects the following year.

In 2001, the program was formalized in the Open Lands Master Plan, adopted by the Larimer County Open Lands Advisory Board and the Board of County Commissioners and subsequently incorporated into the Larimer County Land Use Code. In 2006, the small grants subcommittee of the Open Lands Advisory Board formalized grant selection criteria, procedures, and a project score card to help the subcommittee objectively select projects for funding.

In 2009, the Open Lands Program focus was to connect people and communities to the lands that had been successfully conserved and protected: People who are connected to the land care about what happens to it. The Open Lands Advisory Board approved expansion of the Small Grants Program into new areas which promote land connections: "agriculture," "increased access to open spaces and natural areas," and "research on Larimer County open spaces." These were in addition to the original grant category, "protection or enhancement of open space, trails, natural areas, wildlife habitat, river areas, and wetlands on private or public land." The Small Grants Program was renamed to Small Grants for Community Partnering. Funding was increased from $10,000 to $20,000 annually to be awarded for grants up to $3,000 each.

In 2012, the intent of the program was reaffirmed: to provide citizens with direct access to open spaces sales tax dollars; to allow citizens to leverage dollars with seed money for project implementation; to encourage citizen partnerships; to reach communities with which the program has not historically interacted; and to increase visibility, support, and appreciation for the Open Lands Program.

APPLICANT ELIGIBILITY:  The program is open to HOAs, K-12 schools, nonprofits, and community-based organizations with projects or programs that take place in Larimer County. 

  1. Government agencies already receiving the Help Preserve Open Space tax dollars cannot apply.
  2. For projects on public lands, the applicant must be a 501c3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization identified by the IRS.
  3. All affected landowners must agree in writing to the proposed project.
    1. Homeowners and Property Owners associations must submit a copy of the board meeting minutes approving the proposed project.
    2. K-12 Public Schools must provide a letter from the appropriate facilities director agreeing to the specific project.
    3. Applicants leasing property from a private property owner must submit a letter from the owner agreeing to the proposed project and include the signed lease agreement by all parties.
    4. Projects proposed on public lands must include a letter or permit from the land management agency agreeing to the proposed project.

Proposed projects must be located or take place within Larimer County (unincorporated or city/town limits). Projects must fall into at least one of the five Small Grants for Community Partnering Program grant categories listed below.

  1. Provides or enhances natural landscapes, including wildlife habitats, rivers, wetlands, outdoor community gathering spaces, neighborhood parks, greenbelts, lakes/ponds, etc.
    1. Projects that include planting and/or habitat improvements must include a landscape design plan and a native (and non-invasive), drought-resistant plant species list appropriate for the selected environment.
      1. Projects proposing a new structure, rehabilitation, or change of use of an existing structure need to provide a written response noting this would be allowable from the Larimer County Community Planning Department at (970) 498-7679.
  2. Provides nature-based environmental education opportunities, including outdoor education signs and materials, outdoor classrooms, workshops, trainings, etc.
    1. In the grant narrative, applicants must provide all of the environmental education resources that will be used to develop the materials for the project. Environmental education materials must be based upon established principles and proven practices in the field.
  3. Provides opportunities for people to connect with the land via providing access to nature for those experiencing barriers, including limited transit options, financial obstacles, etc.
    1. Project opportunities in this category must focus on nature-based education, health and wellness, and/or recreation.
  4. Provides opportunities for people to connect with the land via local agricultural food production (projects that include practices around improving soil, water, habitat, or community connection to agriculture).
    1. The community garden or CSA must have local distribution in Larimer County.
    2. Projects proposing a new structure, rehabilitation, or change of use of an existing structure need to providea written response noting this would be allowable from the Larimer County Community Planning Department at (970) 498-7679.
  5. Research on Larimer County open spaces must provide new information on the ecology, history, visitation, and/or human dimensions of county open spaces. Projects should encourage intellectual curiosity about our natural world and/or how people connect to it. All proposed research projects must be discussed with the Program Coordinator and approved before applying.
    1. Funding for research may not be used for college or university overhead or administrative costs. No exceptions.

We fund:

  • Project expenditures such as costs associated with project implementation, materials, supplies, etc. Delivery or shipment of project materials is permitted but cannot exceed more than 5% of the total grant request.
  • Tools and equipment (e.g. GPS units, weed sprayers, etc.) may be funded to 501c3 non-profit organizations only, with acceptable justification of why they are required for implementation of the project.

We do not fund:

  • Annual operating expenses of a non-profit or other organization.
  • Salaries and/or project planning expenses, except for research projects.
  • Transportation expenses; except for provision of access to open spaces for those experiencing barriers and research projects.

August - October: The grant cycle opens in August, and a grant webinar is provided. The application deadline varies each year, but it is usually the first Friday in October.

Late October: The Program Coordinator will conduct an initial review of the applications and verify project eligibility.

November – December: Review undertaken by the Small Grants subcommittee, consisting of three (3) open land advisory board members and Larimer County staff.

January – February: The funding recommendations are presented by staff to the Open Lands Advisory Board. The board ultimately makes the final selection of grant awards. The Program Coordinator will notify awardees and finalize contracts and owner declarations (if applicable).

March: All grant contracts must be signed and returned to the Program Coordinator before expenditures for the project can be spent.

  1. If selected to receive a small grant, a Contract between Larimer County and the grant recipient is required before receiving the award. The contract will include the amount of the grant award, specific items funded, the timeline for project completion, monitoring and reporting requirements, and other conditions.
  2. If a funded project changes from the initial application and budget, a written change request is required before any dollars are spent. The applicant may be asked to resubmit for another grant year if the project changed enough to affect how it would have been rated when in competition with that year's other applications.
  3. Award recipients are required to submit progress photos and/or videos during the project, which will be shared via the county's social media channels.
  4. Following project completion, Larimer County staff and/or Open Lands Advisory Board members may conduct a site visit. Further visits may be necessary in subsequent years, depending on the level of monitoring required for a particular project.
  5. Award recipients must complete the project and submit a final report within 12 months from the grant award date. Any unused funds past this date will need to be returned to Larimer County. Failure to submit the final report will result in disqualification for future awards.