Growing the future leaders "to make the best better" in our communities!

The Larimer County 4-H Junior Leadership Club (JLC) is an additional and secondary club for members 13 years or older that want to experience more out of the 4-H program.  We meet once a month on the fourth Monday to build your teamwork, organization, parliamentary procedure, community service, fundraising, and leadership skills

Throughout the year, we plan and help out with officer training, achievement night, the carnival, livestock field day, Junior Jamboree, recreation/dance night, the Dairy Bar, and provide lots of scholarships! We also attend conferences such as LDC in January, State Conference in June, and some members qualify to attend some National conferences as well. 

The JLC is also the gateway to many great opportunities including participation in District II and the Colorado State 4-H Senate.

Teenagers stand on a stage speaking to a crowd

The Larimer County 4-H Junior Leadership Club (known as JLC for short) is an additional and secondary club for members 13 to 18 years of age (as of January 1st) that want to experience more out of the 4-H program.  The club meets once a month on the fourth Monday to build your teamwork, organization, parliamentary procedure, community service, fundraising, and leadership skills!

Our mission statement is to simultaneously support the community, the 4-H program, and to teach youth in Junior Leadership the importance of understanding themselves as leaders and how to apply leadership skills in a team setting to become passionate, courageous, decisive, clear-minded, and humble citizens.

Throughout the year, we plan and help out with officer training, achievement night, the carnival, livestock field day, Junior Jamboree, recreation/dance night, the Dairy Bar, and provide many scholarships to other 4-H'ers in the community!  We also attend conferences, such as LDC in January, State Conference in June, and some members qualify to attend some National conferences as well.  The JLC is also the gateway to many great opportunities including participation in District II and the Colorado State 4-H Senate.

Junior Leader Officers for 2023-2024:

  • President- Ganah Elhemri
  • Vice President- Gideon Rivera 
  • Secretary- Tanner Squibb 
  • Treasurer- Aya Elhemri 
  • Senators- Ganah Elhemri & Gideon Rivera 
  • Alternate Senators- Samantha Harvey & Cole Weber 

Junior Leader Officers for 2022-2023:

  • President- Ganah Elhemri
  • Vice President- Jocelyn McElwain 
  • Secretary- Haley Harris 
  • Treasurer- Aya Elhemri 
  • Senators- Ganah Elhemri & Jocelyn McElwain 
  • Alternate Senators- Tyler Kesterson & Aya Elhemri 
  • Advisors- Linda Squibb, Hana Gatlawi, Kara Rudnick, Karley Fitzgerald-Rivera, Deneen Gillespie  

Junior Leader Officers for 2020-2021

  • President - Amelia Macy
  • Vice-President - Audrey Laffey
  • Secretary - Jessica Laffey
  • Treasurer - Hunter Squibb
  • Parliamentarian - Kimberly Gillespie
  • Senators - Jessica Laffey and Evelyn Henning
  • Alternate Senators - Tanner Kesterson and Amelia Macy

Junior Leader Officers for 2019-2020

  • President - Gabriel Dupon
  • Vice-President - Evelyn Henning
  • Secretary - Kimberly Gillespie
  • Treasurer - Hunter Squibb
  • Senators - Gabriel Dupon and Justin Grundy
  • Alternate Senators - Evelyn Henning and Jessica Laffey
  • Advisors - Cheryl Adams, Deneen Gillespie, Kelly Laffey, Merritt Dupon, Sonja Morton, and Tara Kesterson.

Junior Leader Officers for 2018-2019

  • President - Rachel Masters
  • Vice-President - Nicki Morton
  • Secretary - Dakota Squibb
  • Treasurer - Carter Dalton
  • Parliamentarian - Kimberly Gillespie
  • Senators - Augusta Rudnick and Rachel Masters
  • Alternate Senators - Justin Grundy and Malorie Acott
  • Advisors - Holly Holland, Kara Rudnick, Deneen Gillespie, Rita Henning, Sonja Morton, Jessie Acott, and Cheryl Adams

Junior Leader Officers for 2017-2018

  • President - Sloan Holland
  • Vice-President - Rachel Masters
  • Secretary - Augusta Rudnick
  • Treasurer - Hannah Godfrey
  • Parliamentarian - Malorie Acott
  • Senators - Amy Newman and Megan Adams
  • Alternate Senators - Rachel Masters and Augusta Rudnick
  • Advisors - Linda Squibb, Kara Rudnick, Cheryl Adams, Sonja Morton, Jody Masters, Carrie Adams, and Deneen Gillespie

Officer Training:

This is a one-hour learning event in April where 4-H members and leaders rotate between the official positions of president/vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and parliamentarian.

Achievement Night:

We sponsor this November event by providing soft serve ice cream for all of the attendees through the Dairy Bar, help set up with Extension, announce & give awards, and give a special presentation each year!

The Carnival:

Each year in March the Larimer County 4-H Foundation hosts a fundraiser called the Carnival with raffle prizes, a basket auction, and invites clubs to run fun game/prize booths! We participate at this event by drawing and announcing all of the door prizes.

Junior Jamboree:

We help District II with Junior Jam in March by sending representatives to be counselors, teaching our own workshop, and providing food during lunch with our Dairy Bar!

The Dairy Bar:

During the Larimer County Fair, we host a concession stand called the Dairy Bar, where we provide food, snacks, refreshments, and of course our famous soft serve ice cream!  

Leadership Development Conference:

Most of our member attend this late January conference to meet many 4-H’ers from other counties, participate in team building activities, be at the first semi-annual state senate of the year, meeting, listen to great speakers, have fun dancing, and be at the Colorado Capital on 4-H day!


Colorado State Conference:

A lot of our members attend this June conference as well. It is an opportunity to compete in contests, participate in lots of workshops, be at the second semi-annual state senate meeting of the year, listen to great speakers, do fun dances, and meet new friends! Additionally, members may qualify to attend and compete at the “Western National 4-H Roundup” if they place well in the competitions!


Larimer County and Colorado State Fair:

Many of us are always at the Larimer county fair in August finishing our projects, having fun, and working in the Dairy Bar!  And many of us also send projects down or drive down to Pueblo for the Colorado State Fair following the county fair to compete in contests.


National 4-H Congress:

Sometimes our members apply to attend an amazing event in Atlanta Georgia during Thanksgiving weekend. To learn more, visit the National 4-H Congress Website


National 4-H Conference:

Usually we have at least one member from our club qualify to attend this prestigious event annually. This early April conference is where you can make an impact in your community by preparing a presentation about issues affecting youth by discussing them with other 4-H'ers in roundtables, then presenting it to government agencies in Washington DC! To learn more, visit the National 4-H Conference website.


Citizenship Washington Focus:

This is the preeminent 4-H citizenship and leadership experience for 4-H members as they get the opportunity to learn how to make a difference in their communities! Usually we have about one or two members from our club attend this premier event annually in the month of June. To learn more, visit the Washington Focus website

Meetings of the Junior Leadership Club are on the fourth Monday of every month at 7pm. Committee meetings or special programs are scheduled individually. These dates and times may change depending on holidays, conferences, special events, weather, or other inconveniences.

The 4-H Junior Leadership Club provides scholarships for 4-H members in Larimer County that need funding for their event participation and projects! 

Basis of Selection: Applicants will be evaluated through character, 4-H leadership, written responses to questions, enthusiasm & passion about the event, deadline timeliness, and grammar & spelling. A committee, appointed by the President of the Junior Leadership Club consisting of the Extension Agent, Junior Leader members and advisors; will consider applications, determine funding amount, select winners & alternates to receive the scholarships, and notify them.

JLC Scholarship Form


  • You must be a current member of 4-H
  • You must be 13-18 years old

The Junior Leadership Club is the gateway to additional financial support, learning and additional tiers of involvement in 4-H. The tiers are as follows:

  • County Level: Junior Leadership Club
  • Regional Level: District II Senate (Larimer, Boulder, Weld)
  • State Level: State 4-H Officers

Thinking about signing up for the Junior Leadership Club? Contact:

Rachel Wildman 
4-H Youth Development Specialist

Non-Discrimination Statement

Colorado State University Extension is an equal opportunity provider. Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing reasonable accommodations. CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension ensures meaningful access and equal opportunities to participate to individuals whose first language is not English. Colorado State University Extension es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.

Colorado State University no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad y se compromete a proporcionar adaptaciones razonables. Office of Engagement and Extension de CSU garantiza acceso significativo e igualdad de oportunidades para participar a las personas quienes su primer idioma no es el inglés.