First Row: (L to R): - Linda Hoffmann - County Manager, Lew Gaiter III - Commissioner, Deni La Rue - Public Information Manager, Tom Clayton - Public Information Assistant
Second Row: (L to R): - Liz Elliott, Chris Kelley, Stacie Eckles, Carol Reed, Caroline Farley, Katie O’Donnell, Amanda Swift, Bernie Alexy
Third Row: (L to R): - Susan McKee, Nora Alvarado, Valerie Gallegos, Sarah Hardin, Heather Gossel, Amanda Swift, Pam Brewer
Fourth Row: (L to R): - Paul Curtis, Susan Larson, Shedd Farley, Ann Bedient, Michael Kueckelhan, Patricia Wright, Dan Sapienza
Fifth Row: (L to R): - Norm Hall, Mike Pruznick, Neil Elliott, John Shafer, Dick Rush