3Rs Song

(to the tune of “The More We Get Together”)

Reduce, reuse, recycle, recycle, recycle.

Reduce, reuse, recycle, it’s easy to do! 

‘Cause your world is my world, and my world is your world.

Reduce, reuse, recycle, it’s easy to do!

We’ve Got the Whole World in Our Hands 

We’ve got the whole world in our hands. 

We’ve got the whole world in our hands. 

We’ve got the whole world in our hands. 

We’ve got the whole world in our hands! 


We’ve got to re-duce, for our world.

We’ve got to re-use, for our world.

We’ve got to re-cycle, for our world.


Songs from Poudre River Library story times (“This Pretty Planet” songs)

Keep It Clean

(Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”)

Let's keep the earth clean, let's keep the earth clean, 

Let's all work together to keep the earth clean. 

Let's keep the water clean, let's keep the water clean,

Let's all work together to keep the water clean. 

Let's keep the air clean, let’s keep the air clean, 

Let's all work together to keep the air clean. 

Planet Earth

(Tune: “Bingo”) 

There is a planet we call home 

And Earth is its name-O! 




And Earth is its name-O!