A much-needed update to the Budweiser Event Center at The Ranch Events Complex will enhance the experience for customers who attend events at the multi-purpose facility.

The updates will replace and upgrade components inside the Budweiser Events Center that have outlived their useful life, many of which are original to when the event center was first constructed 20 years ago.

The improvements are part of the community-driven Phase Two Ranch Master Plan, created in 2017 for the expansion and renovation of the Ranch Events Complex. To create the plan, Larimer County gathered and continues to gather, extensive public input on how The Ranch needs to evolve to continue to meet the needs of the region and remain competitive in the market. 

The same year, voters approved an extension of the 0.15% sales and use tax to expand and enhance The Ranch facilities based on the Ranch Master Plan.

Some of those developments are currently underway and include campus-wide road improvements for improved traffic flow and safety, a new 4-H Youth & Community Livestock Arena, the addition of a new outdoor arena, expansion of the MAC Equipment, Inc. Indoor Arena & Pavilions, increased vehicle and trailer parking, improvements to maintenance facilities, and development of a new RV campground featuring full-service hookups. 

All permanent and retractable seating in the Budweiser Event Center will be replaced as a safety measure since the seats are in disrepair and not functioning properly. This seating area now requires excessive maintenance and expense and doesn’t offer the highest level of safety The Ranch regularly provides its guests. “Based on guest feedback, we need to invest in this area of the Event Center to continue the level of safety and customer service we strive for at The Ranch,” said Conor McGrath, The Ranch Director.

Paint inside the event center bowl, the suites, and the fixtures inside the suites are also original to when the building was first built and need upgrading to keep these areas competitive with other regional venues and customer expectations. The improvements will begin in June and run through the fourth quarter of 2023 without disrupting scheduled events.

The total planned cost for the inside renovations --- paint, seating, suites, and fixtures is about $4.8 million --- of that amount, $1 million is slated for suite renovations, with private partners contributing $250,000 toward those renovations.

With a new look comes a new name for the facility, too. Starting on October 1, 2023, the events center will change its name From the Budweiser Events Center to the Blue Arena, since the naming rights agreement with Anheuser-Bush ends on September 30, 2023, and chose not to renew their agreement. 


For updates on The Ranch Master Plan: www.treventscomplex.com/master-plan

Published on
Tue Jan 31, 2023
Contact Details

Conor McGrath, Fairgrounds & Event Center Dir., 970-619-4010, mcgratco@co.larimer.co.us
